forum How do you torture your characters into borderline insanity in the most gruesome way possible?
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Deleted user

How? Btw this is gag chat it's for a minor character.


(seriously though depending on the character I would go for isolation, sleep deprivation, and just generally SLOW torture. Breaking down mental defenses takes time and patience - consistent irritating nagging pains might be better than full out mutilation) (not that I would know or anything)
(or if you're about flashy cruel gory stuff just look up things that were done to dissenters during the Red Terror (in Ethiopia) that's about as gruesome as it gets)

Deleted user

Okay……. I was expecting more like messing with their emotions but okay.


I saw this really cool post on Pinterest about breaking characters. It's called, take away their sunset. The idea is to give your character something they love (a person, a thing, a place) and take it away so that they can never get it back. In the example, they used a sunset. No matter how bad things got for the character, they still had that beautiful sunset to look at. Then in the course of the story, they are blinded, and can never see the sunset again. Of course, being blinded has other repercussions, but a small thing like never seeing a sunset again can be the tipping point in a character's emotional wellbeing/response. Plus, there are ways to make it really, really sad. Basically, look at your character and figure out what would completely break them. And then do it.


Not sure about physical brutality but as far as I am concerned emotional pain goes far beyond anything physical pain could ever achieve. Here we go
Look at your character and everything that makes up who they are, pick out the biggest points that keep this character going and take that away from them.


Many of my characters are family centered. Making them kill their family, while they can see and feel what is going on, but being unable to stop it generally works well. Along with sacrifice. It could break a character to watch someone they love give themselves up and be unable to stop them. Helplessness, just having to watch. Torture works well, but they can become desensitized over time. Chinese water torture is a good one, the anticipation can drive someone mad. Being tortured for information that they don't actually have is a good one too, and carving.

Deleted user

Um….. 95% of my characters don't really have much family to speak of.


In Eona, the character was tortured through physical pain, like breaking her fingers and slowly carving her with a dagger. She was then forced to heal herself, which before was established as euphoric and a happy but draining thing to complete, but was then associated with torture and pain and hopelessness. Whenever she healed herself, she leads her friends closer to her, which was another thing she didn't want to do. She was also basically being controlled through a blood spell, so she could watch herself kill and hurt her friends without being in control of herself. It was kinda elaborate but very potent way of torturing her.


The second book in a two-book series. It's okay if you don't know it I was just saying where I got the information, as it was not my own, I basically just restated it.

If you are looking to drive your character insane with a mental illness. frontotemporal dementia. the only kind of memory loss disease that can occur in teenagers. There is no cure. symptoms and signs include insomnia, night terrors, hallucinations, and sleepwalking. Example: Stiles from Teen Wolf 3x17


In one of my stories, the main character has to experience the ultimate pain to achieve the means to sorta save the world. This is a mental, emotional and physical type of torture all in one.

Mentally, he describes it as being alive while dead, and perceiving as you decay over millions of years, as well as sitting in a sensory deprivation chamber for eternity,, both at the same time, and that the two other pains felt like a mercy, reminding him that he existed.

Physically, he describes it as passing through a red-hot meatgrinder full of serrated spikes repeatedly, while being alive and conscious the whole time.

Emotionally, he describes it as the most overwhelming, wracking feelings of rage, depression, terror, misery, disgust, shame and loss.

The fact that experiencing all of the pains together was impossible to comprehend made it even worse as well.


Make them watch their loved ones being hurt after hurting them in minor ways. for example, I carved her arms with a knife, burned words into her skin, then made her watch as one of her loved ones is forced to drink poison, another is beat in the spine so much that she's paralyzed, I made her watch as her childhood friend's fingers are frozen and the shattered off with a hammer, then as one has the Waxed Rat used on him


Old fashioned devices are good too! Iron maiden, cradle, the rack, brass bull, the tub, and echoing the one above, the rat. Iron maiden has iron spikes in it, coffin shaped. Cradle for infidelity or torture, lowered onto it and slowly split open. Rack can dislocate or tear limbs off. For the tub they are placed in a wooden barrel with their head out, faces painted with honey. Flies will feed on them and lay eggs. They end up swimming in their own excrement as they are eaten alive, and fed so that the torture continues.. Placed in an brass bull, a fire is lit underneath, and they are cooked alive. The rat one takes a bit of explaining. A cage of rats with an open bottom in placed on a bare stomach, and a heat source is placed above the rats. To escape the heat the rats will dig their way into the person's flesh. Also, most of these things were rarely washed, so if they don't kill you outright, the infection will.


Also… One of my characters is put in a barrel that's had gasoline -soaked nails and razorblades pounded into it, and sent over a waterfall.

Another one was crucified. The twist, is that instead of a crown of thorns, it was searing-hot razorwire, instead of a sword or spear in the side, they received two drills to each side, and they were forcefully intoxicated with "magic mushrooms", which would magnify their emotions and result in a "bad trip" as well.

It gets worse… But you get the idea.


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