forum How do you get (and keep) a social life?
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I mean, strike up a conversation. Find someone passionate about the same stuff as you are, and ask them about it. Even if you're awkward, chances are they'll still be interested! I believe in you!

Thanks Shurshur. I might try with a boy a have a squish on. (who isnt extremely sheltered, thank God) but idk if i can do it man.


I mean, strike up a conversation. Find someone passionate about the same stuff as you are, and ask them about it. Even if you're awkward, chances are they'll still be interested! I believe in you!

Thanks Shurshur. I might try with a boy a have a squish on. (who isnt extremely sheltered, thank God) but idk if i can do it man.

That's the right attitude! You'll make friends in no-time if you think like that!

As a matter of fact, I'd like to be your friend!

Deleted user

I mean, strike up a conversation. Find someone passionate about the same stuff as you are, and ask them about it. Even if you're awkward, chances are they'll still be interested! I believe in you!

Thanks Shurshur. I might try with a boy a have a squish on. (who isnt extremely sheltered, thank God) but idk if i can do it man.

That's the right attitude! You'll make friends in no-time if you think like that!

As a matter of fact, I'd like to be your friend!

Well…. Internet friends are a shaky thing and after my two month break…. im having a hard time trusting everyone again… especially since i came back during a lot of drama….


I mean, strike up a conversation. Find someone passionate about the same stuff as you are, and ask them about it. Even if you're awkward, chances are they'll still be interested! I believe in you!

Thanks Shurshur. I might try with a boy a have a squish on. (who isnt extremely sheltered, thank God) but idk if i can do it man.

That's the right attitude! You'll make friends in no-time if you think like that!

As a matter of fact, I'd like to be your friend!

Well…. Internet friends are a shaky thing and after my two month break…. im having a hard time trusting everyone again… especially since i came back during a lot of drama….

Alright! I get it!

Deleted user

I mean, strike up a conversation. Find someone passionate about the same stuff as you are, and ask them about it. Even if you're awkward, chances are they'll still be interested! I believe in you!

Thanks Shurshur. I might try with a boy a have a squish on. (who isnt extremely sheltered, thank God) but idk if i can do it man.

That's the right attitude! You'll make friends in no-time if you think like that!

As a matter of fact, I'd like to be your friend!

Well…. Internet friends are a shaky thing and after my two month break…. im having a hard time trusting everyone again… especially since i came back during a lot of drama….

Alright! I get it!

Glad you understand mate.


Does anyone have tips on how to not be so shy to the point you barely say three words in public?

Confidence. Fake it till you make it. It works.

I used to think that was bad advice but it really does work, it was the only thing that managed to get me out of the depressing hole of self-hatred that I was stuck in for 3 PANCAKING YEARS


Yup. And im a writer and you know, like all but two families are sheltered. I can't go up and be like "Hi! i write stories which blur the lines of reality and have gore and pg-13 to r rated themes! uwu" or i will get drop kicked in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.

skskjksjskjkjs that made me laugh so hard lmao

Deleted user

Does anyone have tips on how to not be so shy to the point you barely say three words in public?

Confidence. Fake it till you make it. It works.

I used to think that was bad advice but it really does work, it was the only thing that managed to get me out of the depressing hole of self-hatred that I was stuck in for 3 PANCAKING YEARS


Deleted user

Yup. And im a writer and you know, like all but two families are sheltered. I can't go up and be like "Hi! i write stories which blur the lines of reality and have gore and pg-13 to r rated themes! uwu" or i will get drop kicked in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.

skskjksjskjkjs that made me laugh so hard lmao

Yay! XD I'm good for something!

Deleted user

Constance you're good for a lot of things and don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise!

well yeet me into a potato box, i havent heard that one before.

Deleted user

Be yeeted into a potato box? I think that would be a lovely experience.