I was looking for a website to help me build a story for a contest, and I found this website on an obscure writing forum. I wanted a web application that allowed me to write, build, and draw the characters all in one place. So far, I'm enjoying the features that Notebook.ai has to offer
Through my pinterest feed lol
I found this on P-P-P-P-P-PINTRESST
on pinterest and instagram
I found it on Pintrest and it seemed cool
I found it via a Tumblr pin on Pinterest.
my friend told me about this place, i think it's awesome here and i'm apart of one of the largest threads on here
My sister was on it at 10 p.m. and I asked her what it was and here I am.
Someone on Pinterest reposted a tumblr post that said both worldbuilding and yeet, so I knew it had to be good
I was looking for a site that could help me keep together my ideas for worldbuilding. When I searched for a worldbuilding site, this came up.
I was on Quotev when a friend messaged me and told me this place was like an authors heaven and now here I am :)
There's an Insta post (I think it's Insta. . . IDK) on Pinterest about it. I thought it sounded unbelievably awesome for an author like me, so I tried it and TOTALLY LOVE IT.
My sister introduced me to it she is an author and needed something to organize her stuff.
I saw a post about it on Pintrest. It seemed like exactly what my friend and I had been looking for so we both joined.
I found it on Pinterest. Needed something to organize my thoughts, so I signed up.
A nice friend of mine on Google Plus told me about it
It was recommended to me via Pintrest
My friend's little brother told me.