forum Hierarchy of hell (chat for anyone) [open for all!!]
Started by @VinegarSoup group

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I think both of those are my mothers fav films actually. I've never seen either tho

@Serenity88 group

sorry lol, i was having lunch with the Mrs

Come inside, meet the Mrs~
I'm just a wormmm Nobody knows what I'm talking about

WAIT it took me a second but I grew up watching Labyrinth! me and my sister would just sing the songs randomly all the time! dance magic dance

@Serenity88 group

Gasp I love you guys

i have the labyrinth and the dark crystal on the same dvd


AHHHH my gosh I have the same thing! (somewhere). a two-DVD set! yahhhhhhh

@Serenity88 group

no one can blame you
for walking away
too much rejection
no love injection

life cant be easy
its not always well
don't tell me truth hurts, little girl
cause it hurts like hell

I love that song from Labyrinth so much!