forum Hi! I'm New!
Started by @LadyCiel

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I mean I personally can't pick a favorite person on this site because 1) my favorite people are my two best friends, one of whom is my girlfriend and they're not on here, and 2) I don't know anyone here well enough to decide that, all I know is everyone seems really nice and like interesting people and so it's hard to pick a favorite out of that.


The truth hits you right away and then you deal with the consequences. A lie you either keep spinning it causing more chaos or it falls apart and you suffer later.
The truth is kind

Well said!

@HighPockets group

I'm going to be extremely, brutally honest here:

There is not a single person that I hate. Not on Notebook, not on Earth, not on Mars, none.

There are no real people that I know personally that I hate, but:



Sorry! Last joke I promise.

It's fine as long as it doesn't bug Eris.


Deleted user

Sorry! Last joke I promise.

It's fine as long as it doesn't bug Eris.


I'm unbothered by it. XD

Deleted user

Why is umbridge on my chat.

Hisses and pulls out bug spray

aggressively smacks pink toad DIE DEVIL WOMAN

Deleted user

I'm going to be extremely, brutally honest here:

There is not a single person that I hate. Not on Notebook, not on Earth, not on Mars, none.

There are no real people that I know personally that I hate, but:

WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME THE TWO WORST HUMANS ON EARTH!!!!! Draws flaming sword so she can murder them


I'm going to be extremely, brutally honest here:

There is not a single person that I hate. Not on Notebook, not on Earth, not on Mars, none.

There are no real people that I know personally that I hate, but:


You like Umbridge? HOW?! She punished students by making them write with a quill that carved into their hand and wrote with their blood! She tried to used the Cruciatus Curse on Harry (for non-HP fans that curse tortures people and is one of the unforgivable curses)! The way she humiliated Trelawney and tried to make her homeless! She sent innocent muggle-borns to Azkaban (a horrible prison with dementors who suck all the happiness out of you) for no reason other than their parentage! There are so many more reasons to hate her. How can anyone possibly like her???????

@HighPockets group

Why is umbridge on my chat.

Hisses and pulls out bug spray

aggressively smacks pink toad DIE DEVIL WOMAN

Umbridge's 3 Rules:

  1. No alcohol. Unless there's plenty to go around.
  2. No boys. Unless they're super cute.
  3. No parties. Unless Umbridge is invited!

@HighPockets group

I'm going to be extremely, brutally honest here:

There is not a single person that I hate. Not on Notebook, not on Earth, not on Mars, none.

There are no real people that I know personally that I hate, but:


You like Umbridge? HOW?! She punished students by making them write with a quill that carved into their hand and wrote with their blood! She tried to used the Cruciatus Curse on Harry (for non-HP fans that curse tortures people and is one of the unforgivable curses)! The way she humiliated Trelawney and tried to make her homeless! She sent innocent muggle-borns to Azkaban (a horrible prison with dementors who suck all the happiness out of you) for no reason other than their parentage! There are so many more reasons to hate her. How can anyone possibly like her???????

It's a quote from A Very Potter Sequel

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry! Last joke I promise.

It's fine as long as it doesn't bug Eris.


I'm unbothered by it. XD

I am more than willing to play a joke for all it's worth.


I'm going to be extremely, brutally honest here:

There is not a single person that I hate. Not on Notebook, not on Earth, not on Mars, none.

There are no real people that I know personally that I hate, but:

WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME THE TWO WORST HUMANS ON EARTH!!!!! Draws flaming sword so she can murder them

Yay! Can I help you kill them! And while we’re at it, kill Caligula for killing _____!

Deleted user

Why is umbridge on my chat.

Hisses and pulls out bug spray

aggressively smacks pink toad DIE DEVIL WOMAN

Umbridge's 3 Rules:

  1. No alcohol. Unless there's plenty to go around.
  2. No boys. Unless they're super cute.
  3. No parties. Unless Umbridge is invited!


"Dumbledore why you such a bad boyfriend?"
"If I catch you with any boys or alcohol, I'll RIP your perky li'l boobs off!"

Deleted user

Sorry! Last joke I promise.

It's fine as long as it doesn't bug Eris.


I'm unbothered by it. XD

I am more than willing to play a joke for all it's worth.

Did we just give permission for a girl to become…..a……. fangirl?
(horror music)

@HighPockets group

Why is umbridge on my chat.

Hisses and pulls out bug spray

aggressively smacks pink toad DIE DEVIL WOMAN

Umbridge's 3 Rules:

  1. No alcohol. Unless there's plenty to go around.
  2. No boys. Unless they're super cute.
  3. No parties. Unless Umbridge is invited!


"Dumbledore why you such a bad boyfriend?"
"If I catch you with any boys or alcohol, I'll RIP your perky li'l boobs off!"

I know it's not Umbridge but

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry! Last joke I promise.

It's fine as long as it doesn't bug Eris.


I'm unbothered by it. XD

I am more than willing to play a joke for all it's worth.

Did we just give permission for a girl to become…..a……. fangirl?
(horror music)

I've done greater works of evil over breakfast.