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Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 6 followers


Well, that sucks. I would suggest throwing those feelings onto a pile in your mind and burning them. That would be best for all parties involved.


did you have a crush on her before you knew she was gay or did you know? cause if you already knew… boy


Well, only because young teens tend to be pretty fluid when it comes to their journey to figuring out their sexuality. Not that their sexuality is actually changing, just their diagnosis. Grasping for any inch of hope for him here, lol. Maybe she could be bisexual?

I'm probably just being dumb. Don't wanna give FALSE hope anyway.


i realize now you could be right but i just assumed that they were a guy with a long lasting crush, then realized she was gay and was like uh oh
but i totally get you now
and jordan you go for it

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I've had the same problem before. All I can say is maybe talk to her about it? Idk


Do not go for it. I'm telling you right now, it will only end badly. If you know for a fact that she is a lesbian, then pursuing her will only lead to hurt on both sides. it's not worth making her feel the guilt that every woman and girl feels when a guy that they don;t like confesses to them, and it's especially difficult for lesbians who are already struggling with the fact that they no longer make themselves available for men, and all the pain that comes with it. If you truly care about her, you'll just keep it to yourself. It hurts, but it will pass, I promise you. Crushes come and go, as will the pain of having one, but the pain associated with trying to force your unwanted feelings on someone else can potentially last a lifetime.

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Dude I fuckin wish I was straight sometimes what the hell


i personally think Conner is one of the best characters in any musical just because he has such a big role in how it plays out even though he isn't alive for half the play