forum Heyo, I would like the quickest and most readily available way to commit soup-on-the-side.
Started by @Low_Mein

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No this isn't for a story, I don't "RP" or whatever. I'm finished with life and I want to know the best way to leave. Please.


The best way to commit "soup-on-the-side" is to make a main dish (my suggestion is grilled cheese), and then warm a can of soup (preferably tomato), and then pour the soup into a bowl. Feel free to dip the grilled cheese into the tomato soup as you think over whatever happened to make you feel like this and come to the realization that there are people who care for you (whether openly or not), and that life without you would be absolutely miserable. As someone who has lost a cousin to suicide, I would never, never, wish that feeling on anybody. Life can be an absolute bitch, forgive my french, but there are ups and downs to it. Wait for the next up, and remember how far you've come. And in the meantime, if you need support, you've got it with us.


I really appreciate the help, trust me, but I'm not feeling the positivity right now. I kinda just want a surefire way to do the deed. Unfortunately I've gotten as much help as I can. Even my divorced parents are sick of me. I have no friends who are loyal or real at all. I've gone truly insane. I've cut up my hands, I've torn my wall to pieces and likely damaged my bones. I've cried my eyes out. I've screamed until I couldn't talk. I've made my mother cry. I'm broken. There's no fixing it now that I've done unforgivable and irreversible damage to myself and my family. I've tried for years and years to fix myself but I guess I'm just a horrific bundle of rage and hate. I want to leave and I want to leave now. I. Have. No. Gun. I. Need. Another. Way.


I promise you, we’re loyal to you, and we’re never going to give up on you even if you give up on yourself. I know how you’re feeling, believe me I do, but I also know that one day things are going to change. I understand how hard it is, but holding on is worth it, okay?


Don’t just say okay. I need to know if you’re feeling better. If you are that’s amazing, but if you’re not please let us be there for you, because we really want to be. Do you want to pm and talk some things through, or stay and just hang out and/or talk more?


Real talk, I need sleep, but my mother won't let me. She says I need to study for school, even though tomorrow is when I'm supposed to do the assignment. I don't need to get ahead either, because I'm never behind…


You don't need positivity—you need endurance. I've been where you are. I'm not saying in any way that I understand you or any of your problems, especially since I don't even understand mine, but the only way to get through this is to soldier through it. All you have to do is survive until you feel like living again.

If it's a problem with your parents, try talking it out. Tell them how miserable you feel, if that's something you're able to work up the courage to do. Apologize for what you've said and try to make it right, even if that's accepting a punishment that you feel is unjust. And if you can't do that, just focus on making it through each day. It's hell of a cliche, but things typically do tend to look better in the morning. If it doesn't, keep focusing on that day, until you wake up and you feel something.

I can't make you want to live, as much as I wish I could. I can't make you see that you are valued and that you would be missed beyond comprehension. And before you think 'You know nothing about me', remember who showed you in the first place, and her penchant for creating way too many accounts to plausibly keep up with. I may have been distant lately because of my own problems, but I'm always there for you.