forum Hey I'm Sly and I'm frickin depressed and unmotivated
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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This is Mrs. Sly. I love my daughters more than any words and always have, and always will. Some of this is surprising to me, scary and downright awful but I will do everything in my power to help her (yes, she is a girl and always has been and always will be). There has been a lot said here, a lot of good things and I thank you for supporting her with kindness. While I support these kinds of avenues of fun and entertainment, and this one is to support her writing endeavors, they can consume a person, any person, and you all need to watch that for yourself and the ones you talk to online. I am dissing her dad when I say this but think it should be known since you don't know her situation, truly irl, that I am the one who is getting her therapy and on depression medication, I'm not against it. That might help you understand where I am coming from and that I am supporting her and loving her the best way I can (I'm not perfect). With the loss of Marbles yesterday it is not surprising that she is feeling majorly depressed (I had no idea about the suicidal thoughts) but she will get through this. She may not be on as much in the coming weeks so don't worry about her. It is very late and we are all very tired. I think this post is done.
I am not the typical mom that is against her teenagers, and they are not the typical kids. They are great kids and I'm proud to be their mom…always will be. Good night, everyone. Sly says good night, too.
PS. Scarlet, if still awake don't forget to remind me.

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Oh my goodness thank you so much Mrs. Sly. We appreciate you, and you can tell Sly he (or she) can take as much time as they'd like. We can wait, and we'll be here in case you need anything. We're so glad we could help you with becoming aware.



Thank you, Mrs. Sly, for being so kind and understanding. We really appreciate it, and we really do want Sly to be happy and healthy.
Good night to you, and to Sly as well. Sleep well!
And thank you again!

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ahhhhh ohh i need to blow off steam…

roleplay, anyone?

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I have to go to bed but who cares? I'll rp!


Night Lavy!!


I'm going to be going to bed in just a few minutes. Thank you, everyone, for being here, and helping not just Sly, but me too.
I've been off social media for the beginning of the year (kinda not counting this, since I only joined in June and it's a tool too), and I forgot two things
1- people can be exhausting and they have real problems (I'm v introverted irl and talk to like…. 2, maybe 3 ppl)
but also,
2- they love each other and are amazing and will stay up for hours past when they should be asleep and humans are, at their core, good
So thank you, and good night
Stay safe
and know that my DM is always open if you need to talk (and also we have the Kat Chat but that's public so if you need to take care of something privately, or even just need someone to talk to, DM me!)
Good night, everyone.
I love you all dearly.

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Good night Kat. Thank you for sharing in this experience with me. I really appreciate not only you, but everyone here. We did something amazing today. We saved a life of someone we love, and helped their family realize that. I don't care what you think

all of you are amazing to me, and to everyone else.

Thank you so much for helping Sly with me,

M's Moral Depression, and Fork Satan

Goodnight those who are resting their heads, and may your dreams be unblemished and happy.


I'm going to bed now, but I just wanted to say that I agree with Kat, thank you for being understanding Mrs. Sly
I also wanted to leave this poem I wrote just now here for y'all to see.
Consider Life
Consider life
Consider its beauty and wonder
Consider life
Consider its blessings

Consider God
Consider His wisdom and power
Consider God
Consider His great love and will for our lives

Consider happiness
Consider its brightness
Consider happiness
Consider its joy and contentment

Consider surviving
Consider how good it feels
Consider surviving
Consider how glad it makes others feel

Consider love
Consider its patience
Consider love
Consider it's understanding

Consider life
Consider YOUR life
Consider life
Consider living
For us

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I don't understand what Sly is going through, but I too have had depression and anxiety. I've thought about self harm, suicide, and all that crap. But I've gotten better now, and I hope everything will be okay. While I'll never understand, I can still help… hopefully…. but know that I care and that I'm praying for Sly and that Sly will be okay.


so I fucked up really badly and I know it wasn’t this purpose of this chat but idk where else to type it out but long story short I was chatting with a friend and we went to some darker topics and he used a metaphor and I responded with one that I didn’t even really realize how horrible it was until I sent it (at which point I profusely apologized) but the thing is it was actually like really cruel and I know that he can kinda struggle with this stuff but would literally never tell anyone
so like yea long story short I fucked up bad and don’t know how to fix it
sorry for unloading my problems on you guys

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Oh, gosh. My WiFi got shut off before I could finish this last night, but I read through everything, and I sincerely hope that everything is going better now, Sly and Lavy!

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I want to share a pic with all y'all i found on pinterest.


I would just apologize, and say "I didn't mean for it to come out that way"

I did but ??

I think you'll be okay?
but if it's not okay, just like… have a convo with the friend and problem-solve?