forum Hey I'm Sly and I'm frickin depressed and unmotivated
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 12 followers

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sly what's going to happen? You can tell us.

I'm gonna get off

cus my mom knows what's going on

I'm safe I think

Okay. Goodnight, Sly! I wish you well, and hope fervently that you are okay by tomorrow.

Deleted user

Sly what's going to happen? You can tell us.

I'm gonna get off

cus my mom knows what's going on

I'm safe I think

Thank god. You have a good night, love. Talk to you tomorrow.


Luv you Sly
I will talk to you tomorrow
And I will bombard you with
Verses and pictures and quotes and
I'll probably be up all night writing for you
You deserve your life Sly
You deserve every good thing that God has in store for you and you deserve to be happy
So live. Laugh. Love. Learn. Cry. Make mistakes. But don't die. Don't die.
You are loved
And you are important
No matter where you are in life God has his arms open wide for you


Sly what's going to happen? You can tell us.

I'm gonna get off

cus my mom knows what's going on

I'm safe I think

We are here if you ever need us
Remember that, okay?
You are loved.
Talk to you tomorrow.
Love you


Okay, AutumnBlaize, Cat.Lover, and I are on our way
jk jk Sly's mom
we don't know where you live
your children are v good about not telling us their personal info
model internet citizens

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Okay, AutumnBlaize, Cat.Lover, and I are on our way
jk jk Sly's mom
we don't know where you live
your children are v good about not telling us their personal info
model internet citizens

Very true!


Sly what's going to happen? You can tell us.

I'm gonna get off

cus my mom knows what's going on

I'm safe I think

okay Sly!
I love you
text us in the morning?


Okay, AutumnBlaize, Cat.Lover, and I are on our way
jk jk Sly's mom
we don't know where you live
your children are v good about not telling us their personal info
model internet citizens

Very true!


Deleted user

Oh, good luck with that then! Hope nothing goes to shit unless it already has, in which case I hope it gets better

yes i was about to say the same xD


are you gonna talk to us through Lavy's or Sly's account(s)?

Mom's just reading the chat seeing what's been happening.


Deleted user

Oh my god i shouldn't have cussed so much I'M SORRY I WAS FREAKING OUT ;u;

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Hello, Sly's mom!
Your kids are great. I promise that I am not just saying that. Sly is one of my favorite people on here, even if I don't know them personally!


Oh my god i shouldn't have cussed so much I'M SORRY I WAS FREAKING OUT ;u;

(you can delete/edit replies)


I gtg but I hope everything goes well and if it doesn’t I’ll do my best to help when I get back!! Stay safe everyone, we’re not all on good enough terms for me to say ily but I definitely care about everyone here!


Hello, Sly's mom!
Your kids are great. I promise that I am not just saying that. Sly is one of my favorite people on here, even if I don't know them personally!

I'm pretty new to the site and he was v welcoming and made Notebook feel like more than just a tool and a writer's forum