forum Hey , I'm new
Started by @selenophilia

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Deleted user

Hi! I'm new too.
I like to make a lot of different types of characters—I had a habit of writing about dark and brooding and often melodramatic characters a while ago but thankfully I'm moving away from that. It's the teen angst seeping through, y'know? What type of characters do you like to make?

Deleted user

I've written lots of different types of stories. Fantasy stories, strange assassin organization stories, stories about soldiers in war, stories about artificial life forms, dystopian stories, stories about artists, stories about teenagers who randomly gained the ability to fly, failed romance stories— lots of stuff. What kind of stories do you like to write?


I've tried out a lot of different genres over the past year, but the stories I seem to be able to stick to writing is fantasy stories, which is what I'm working on right now.


I write whatever comes to mind though I do favor romance and dystopian.

I write about what I have knowledge about. Currently I'm writing something that I can only describe as Religious Dystopian.


Im stuck on fantasy too but I also have a particularly dark story about a girl whose family died and she had to go to an orphanage and they abused her there and she has bipolar disease so when one of the episodes hit she tries to kill herself. Its weird. I'm weird.


Bipolar is a disorder, not disease >,< unless it is in your story of course but diseases are like mass sickness. (i.e. Black plague, etc)


No worries, honestly what I'm doing right now is the first "real" attempt I've done with any depth to it.


Tries in vain to figure out whether to consider self "new" or not.

Has had literally only a day's worth of experience on here.

Confliction intensifies