forum Hey hey, b*tches. I'm hella gay!
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Just get tree limb and put Chris pines face on it

Yes. And a sign that says "ask me what kind of tree I am"

Deleted user

Just get tree limb and put Chris pines face on it

Yes. And a sign that says "ask me what kind of tree I am"


Deleted user

(YES!! lol. I think my favorite is the kermit "but that's none of my business" one.)

XD yeah. I have way too much experience with nene days XD

Deleted user

Or you could have a fake mustache and say ravioli, ravioli what's in the pocketoli

Deleted user

Just get tree limb and put Chris pines face on it

My friends and I did this but with an actual tree and we started a cult with it.


Deleted user

I'm also still here, just hiding

Don't hide, bitch. be FABULOUS


I'm also still here, just hiding

Don't hide, bitch. be FABULOUS

after go into my mini coma this weekend so I can catch up on sleep I'll be happy to call myself fabulous
but right now I look like an aggressive raccoon on crack
I have not slept enough

Deleted user

I'm also still here, just hiding

Don't hide, bitch. be FABULOUS

after go into my mini coma this weekend so I can catch up on sleep I'll be happy to call myself fabulous
but right now I look like an aggressive raccoon on crack
I have not slept enough

That is a fucking mood. Holy shit.


I'm also still here, just hiding

Don't hide, bitch. be FABULOUS

after go into my mini coma this weekend so I can catch up on sleep I'll be happy to call myself fabulous
but right now I look like an aggressive raccoon on crack
I have not slept enough

That is a fucking mood. Holy shit.

welcome to hell finals week

Deleted user

Salty, you are just a whole ass mood.
Then again
here I am
dressed in head to toe christmas shit and calling myself the "Christmas Bitch"