forum Hey hey, b*tches. I'm hella gay!
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Welcome bitches. Thank you for coming.
I am going to be your aunt. You can call me Aunty Zhira or Hey Bitch and I am always open for y'all to need to speak to someone
Sorry this bitch doesn't english right.
But yeah!

Deleted user

Hey, I'm pan, my name is Sparky, (well, my internet name, that is) and I identify as female, so She/Her/EwWhatIsThatDisgustingThing/Hers pronouns please! I have depression and Apsberger's and a few other things that make my life hell. I keep being told that I also have minor OCD, but I don't think that's true. But anyways, I have two cats who I love dearly, a dog who I tolerate, siblings who I annoy, and a hobby of collecting rocks and painting them. I do far have collected 87. Maybe I should stop. It's a bit of a problem. But who cares! Anyways, it's nice to meet y'all, and whatever else people say when they introduce themselves.

Deleted user

Hey, bitch hey! Welcome! This bitch has OCD and lemme tell you, if you had OCD, you'd know. Trust me. Don't listen to those other uneducated bitches.


another LGBT chat heck yeah
I'm open minded and that's all I'm going to identify as (although I have a very strong preference for girls)

Deleted user

(By the way, I identify as nonbinary, but you all can use whatever pronouns you plaese on me. I really don't fucking care.)

That's a whole ass fucking mood. Yes bitch

Deleted user

Honestly, that is my only relationship requirement, be okay with huggles and pda as long as its not like making out and stuff

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Honestly, that is my only relationship requirement, be okay with huggles and pda as long as its not like making out and stuff

(Perfect relationship! claps like a happy little seal. They also have to be able to put up with my sporatic childish moments.)

Deleted user

Awww I love it when people (Especially my nonexistant s/o) like pouts like a child or something. Its so coot


big oof I'm the opposite, they have to be okay with my dislike for hugs and pda
also my mood swings between super energized and bubbly and super depressed and fatigued lol

Deleted user

Sometimes I get in this whole ass mood and don't want anyone near me. It's dumb but oof

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I have moods where I'm super depressed and I need my nonexistent s/o to wrap me up in blankets, put on some anime and just cuddle with me. Also, I like it when people tell me what they want directly, not just beat around the bush. [even though I'm polar opposite of that because I'm constantly scared of people and their responses.])

Deleted user

I have moods where I'm super depressed and I need my nonexistent s/o to wrap me up in blankets, put on some anime and just cuddle with me. Also, I like it when people tell me what they want directly, not just beat around the bush. [even though I'm polar opposite of that because I'm constantly scared of people and their responses.])

I need this in a QPR


I go back and forth like a light switch between 3 moods. Super depressed and not wanting anybody to touch me, also wanting to die but being so emotionally drained I can't bring myself to go through the trouble of doing anything about it. Super energetic and wanting to do everything at once, ideas rushing around in my head and everything being so intense I feel like it's going to break me into pieces from the inside, and both at the same time.