forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Nah. I look like sh*t

@Knight-Shives group

I might share a pic of myself but I have zero self confidence.

So did I.
Just do it m8!

I will in like a few hours. It is almost midnight and I have no pictures of myself.


Jeez Ravens. I'm not that cute.

That's your opinion. And while you're entitled to it, I just want you to consider this:
You've lived with your face your whole life. And, let's face it, it gets pretty boring when you've seen the same thing in the mirror for 18 years in a row.
But then you showed your face to someone new, like me. I'd never seen your face before. I hadn't lived with that face for my whole life. I had the benefit of seeing your face with fresh eyes. Eyes that weren't tired of seeing your face staring back at me every time I caught a glimpse of my reflection. And my eyes saw this adorable, handsome, kick-ass, angelic (demonic, whatever) friend that I know and love. I'd never met you, but I loved you just the same. I'd never seen you, but I knew you were a beautiful soul just the same.
Look at your face through someone else's eyes. See yourself as a newcomer would see you.
You are not trash, nor do you look like it.
You are fucking fabulous and don't you let anyone (that includes yourself!) tell you different.

(Side note: This goes for anyone. My words aren't just for Shuri. They are true for every single one of you.)

They apply to you too!

I know, I know. don't get your knickers in a twist, buddy


I just don't take pictures of myself. Last one I have is from 3 years ago.

same, I like never take pics of myself unless they're for like showing people my face or whatever

@Knight-Shives group

I just don't take pictures of myself. Last one I have is from 3 years ago.

same, I like never take pics of myself unless they're for like showing people my face or whatever

I actually realized I do have a picture of myself that I took for my health class it isn't great.

@The-Magician group

Holy…… I miss the best shit when I'm passed out, damn!
Dom - Dude you're a fine ass guy, I love your eyes, and (as strange as this sounds) you kinda look a lot like my partner.
Ace - Child you actually look so freaking amazing! You look like a really close friend of mine I'm beginning to notice a pattern.
Max - clap I clap love clap your clap aesthetic!!!! You actually look like this really hot person in my photography Okay it's getting weird now.
Shuri - Just give me a moment, I'm still processing..