forum Hey guys lets make a list of people we hate!!! YEAH!!!!!
Started by @CearBare

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Me and all the latin kids would spend our free time in gym trying to figure out how to say stuff like that in latin. And we would all have to band together because we have soooooooo many different grammar problems. The thing about latin is that the word order doesn't really matter as long as you have the verb at the end. So instead of having word order we have freaking fifty differant cases. I flipping hate it.

Deleted user


latin isn't dead I hate people who say that

also you cannot speak latin, you're learning fancy latin and not street latin

yes i am also latin

Deleted user

Does literally everyone alive hate a person named Emily?


I'm an Emily and I hate an Emily xD

Deleted user

Okay if we're counting ourselves I still hate one

Because you have to learn to cherish yourself for the lovely person you are <3


Thanks! Now let's get to Tate.
Tate and I have never gotten along, but now that she's no longer just a bitch but a super mega-bitch I hate her more. She and I were in the same girl scout troop. She was in charge of cooking and only ever gave her two friends the jobs, Cat and Olivia. Neither of them are bad people, she's just an awful friend. I personally love to bake bread and one time I really wanted to make some for the troop. Every meeting I came up to her to make sure she was still letting me. She always looked at me annoyed for bothering her and told me "Yeah". Till the last minute when she told me that I couldn't because Olivia was doing it. :) I hate her. Now there are more reasons. She also made fun of Cat for slipping in a puddle while going to get Tate napkins. At a sleepover, she called our troop leader a bitch. Now that was the last straw. At that sleepover, there was Cat and Olivia and she was telling them all about how "they're the only nice people in the whole troop!" and proceeded to talk down about everyone in the troop, calling them each something rude. I already knew she hated me, but when Cat told me about what she had said about our leader I wanted to wring her neck. Listen here, ask any girl in our troop and they will tell you that our leader is the nicest kindest woman ever. If her daughter left our troop she would keep doing it because she cares about us that much, and this pissed off everyone in our troop. Luckily she left the troop soon after and Cat stopped being friends with her.

@saor_illust school

ALRIGHT PREPARE! I CAN FINALLY TELL SOMEONE ABOUT HOW MUCH I HATE HANEEN! OMG SHE IS THE WORST AND I HATE HER SO MUCH okay i'm done now. but really, i wish she didn't exist allright thanks for listening


ALRIGHT PREPARE! I CAN FINALLY TELL SOMEONE ABOUT HOW MUCH I HATE HANEEN! OMG SHE IS THE WORST AND I HATE HER SO MUCH okay i'm done now. but really, i wish she didn't exist allright thanks for listening

you're welcome, my friend :)


I hate myself, does that count.



I have hated every Rebecca I have ever met, for some reason everyone named Rebecca is an asshole.

hmmm, there is a Rebecca who turned out to be an asshole by bullying my sister.