forum Hey guys lets make a list of people we hate!!! YEAH!!!!!
Started by @CearBare

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What's the worst thing you have looked up on your school computer?


my friend and I had a sleepover and she looked it up

we saw a fucking blobfish furry and it was the funniest shit


for me, it's got to be how to murder someone. But don't worry the only reason I did it was because I was writing a book and I was trying to efficiently murder off a character.


What's the worst thing you have looked up on your school computer?


my friend and I had a sleepover and she looked it up

we saw a fucking blobfish furry and it was the funniest shit

Oh my god. Now I have to look this up. XD

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For me it's "how to die and make sure your mom doesn't get mad at you"

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It was a walrus but honestly

it ain't that bad but we were s o b b i n g

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Well it was right after I took my Spanish 1 Final when I looked that up. Turns out I had good reason to, as I failed it! My mother got mad and we won't go into what happened afterwards lol

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It was a walrus but honestly

it ain't that bad but we were s o b b i n g

What the hELL-

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Latin is cool! I wish that was an option for my school. It sounds like you're summoning a demon no matter what you say. So I like it a lot


Me and one of my friends who also takes Latin lives down the street from me and we love to hang out all the time. The thing is that we like to scream "Ecce!" (pronounced eh-k-ay) at passing cars, which means look.

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Nah it's good. I actually know a few Latin phrases. Plus, Spanish and Latin are very similar. But thank you lol


and, tuus sanquis per viam fluet.
translation: Your blood flows through the streets.
Hey sorry for being violent, but we learned the words blood, death, kill, and ghost but never how to say water. So…….