forum Here we go again. Notebook prom!
Started by @Dirt

people_alt 63 followers


Anyway, how does this work? do we go as ourselves and just…..start?

Well last time this happened, we gathered the people who wanted to go into a group chat and then set up a day and a thread in the RP forum. People either decided to go as themselves or as a character, depending on which they preferred. Most of us decided to be the ones crashing the party so that happened (in a seprate thread I think?) and so yeah

Deleted user

I like you best. But I would have "gone" with Nutella had you not wanted to.

Lol I gotcha. I gotcha


Um. So I don't know how this works.
I was hopping someone that joined would have known.

I got'chu fam

Thaaanks for spreading your knowledge.


Um. So I don't know how this works.
I was hopping someone that joined would have known.

I got'chu fam

Thaaanks for spreading your knowledge.



Okay so, back to what @RedTheBestBitch said earlier.
A day we have the actual "prom". What days are y'all on the most?


Okay then maybe we should discus times? I know lots of us are in diffrwnt time zones- so solutions anyone?

@Moxie group

And pretty much anything works for me except weekends
Thursday’s are the worst, Wednesday’s and fridays are the best