forum Help me with my story
Started by @Lady_Loki

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She can control the normal elements and metal.
She is from a really old race that has been gone for 100 years. She is from The Magic Nexus (Created by me.) Sh is the last of her kind.
She was kidnapped by Hydra and was experiment on by them and got more powers like mind reading, telekinesis, she got her wings from hydra.

Okay so here’s a thing to remove. Let’s remove her ability to control normal elements. It’s okay to have her as the last of her race, but she seems special for no reason. Is there an important reason for why she is the last of her kind? Okay being kidnapped by Hydra actually sounds like something that they would do.


The reason she is the last of her kind is because Thanos destroyed her home world but she was visiting another world when he did that.

Deleted user

She can control the normal elements and metal.
She is from a really old race that has been gone for 100 years. She is from The Magic Nexus (Created by me.) Sh is the last of her kind.
She was kidnapped by Hydra and was experiment on by them and got more powers like mind reading, telekinesis, she got her wings from hydra.

Okay so here’s a thing to remove. Let’s remove her ability to control normal elements. It’s okay to have her as the last of her race, but she seems special for no reason. Is there an important reason for why she is the last of her kind? Okay being kidnapped by Hydra actually sounds like something that they would do.

Also, I think the wings wouldn’t be grown in that way, maybe she already had the wings before? And with the infinity thing (I can’t spell it so…) try to remove that from her.

Deleted user

The reason she is the last of her kind is because Thanos destroyed her home world but she was visiting another world when he did that.

Hmm… how big is the planet? Is like earths size? Also they would say I don’t feel so good (XD).
Also she’s in the Thanos timeline? The one where he gets all the infinity stones? This sounds more like a Superman back story then a regular one… so when she came back was that when she was kidnapped by Hydra? I need to understand the character more… sorry this is so much, but it will pay off!


Her planet is like the size of Mercury. No, she is not in that one she is in the one where he has control over Loki. When she went back to her home planet it was after she was kidnapped by hydra.

Deleted user

Her planet is like the size of Mercury. No, she is not in that one she is in the one where he has control over Loki. When she went back to her home planet it was after she was kidnapped by hydra.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I know what you mean. So was she just the only one on the planet at the start or did the race die on the planet where it was destroyed…?

Deleted user

Okay! Does she have a diverse and detailed backstory with her?