forum Help me with my story
Started by @Lady_Loki

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lol I’m here, fair warning I’m not great, but I’m okay. I’m good at anything besides intros and opening things and I can’t do plot twists well.


Hello, I can help. I've been writing for 5 years now and I can write opening lines and sup story's to the main one :) I also have tonssss of sub story plot we can add in and plot twists + editing.


She's ok, I suppose. She's trying to come up with a project for her business class that involves all the class mates. Its suppose to be about something on Spain.


Well my story is about a girl with powers and wings whose soulmate is Loki and she can control the infinity stones with out the infinity gauntlet.

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And your character is kind of a…. Mary Sue…. not to be rude it’s not a bad thing I’m so sorry if I made you upset I’m just pointing it out I did it before as well so don’t feel bad I’m so sorry!

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I’m not trying to offend you at all, I just want to push you in the right direction! Don’t worry I’ve made even worse characters, at least yours isn’t a very much Mary Sue, just seems a bit like one. I also like romances, so if you want me to help you can make a google doc even though I’m not the best and I haven’t wrote in story form for about a month.

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Either then that it seems like an alright plot, I don’t really do already used plots even though I think I do those, but I try to make my plots as original as possible. Here’s a thing you could use to make your character a bit less over powered. List all of her powers and special abilities, I’ll quote it and see if I can make her still likeable and a good character without being an overpowered character, unless you don’t want me to… I would love to help you!


Can control the elements and others things also.
She has a birth mark on the right shoulder blade that looks like a feather.
She was rescued by the avengers and they named her Lara.
Her real name is Isleen.
She has three weapons. A Recurve Bow, sword and a crossbow.

Deleted user

Can control the elements and others things also.
She has a birth mark on the right shoulder blade that looks like a feather.
She was rescued by the avengers and they named her Lara.
Her real name is Isleen.
She has three weapons. A Recurve Bow, sword and a crossbow.

Okay, I need everything that she can control, and what elements does she control? I need all of that to weaken her just enough o make her a good superhero that isn’t overpowered. Also three weapons? Try only one, if not that then two, try the Recurve Bow and maybe with the sword, what kind of sword is it anyways? If she’s so powerful why would she need rescued by the Avengers, well I guess she needed to meet them some how, but once she’s weaker it will make more since. What happened to her or her home land and other things like that. It’s really hard to fix someone if I don’t have a lot of details about the character, and the birthmark isn’t important to her character, it’s just an appearance feature.


She can control the normal elements and metal.
She is from a really old race that has been gone for 100 years. She is from The Magic Nexus (Created by me.) Sh is the last of her kind.
She was kidnapped by Hydra and was experiment on by them and got more powers like mind reading, telekinesis, she got her wings from hydra.