forum help
Started by @basil_

people_alt 4 followers


My life is like a pile of things, on the edge of falling over. If I try to change something, it'll all come crashing down. I told you guys already. I don't need to help me.


because that's how my mind works. If I try and convince myself i'm a good person, i'm being arrogant. If I refuse help, i'm being stubborn. If I accept help, i'm being selfish.

@Becfromthedead group

Maybe change that first thought a little. You're doing your best to be a good person. There's nothing arrogant about that.
As for help, this site's community welcomes you with open arms, and is full of people who both give and receive help. It's a community… we're all here for each other. We don't think any less of you for either not letting on about your problems or sharing them here.


because that's how my mind works. If I try and convince myself i'm a good person, i'm being arrogant. If I refuse help, i'm being stubborn. If I accept help, i'm being selfish.

Well we want you to let us help you because we want to to be happy.

@Becfromthedead group

We'll see you, Kmart…
It may not be apparent right now, but you'll start to find your way someday. I promise. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like your life has to be sorted out now, and don't let these negative thoughts keep you from finding yourself.


Well maybe I don’t want myself to be happy. Anyway I have to go.

Everyone does. No matter how much they believe that lie, deep down inside you will always long for happiness. And one day you will get there. Please be strong for us until then.