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Started by @basil_

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I have absolutely no idea who I am. Every time I think I've figured it out I get swarmed with doubts and things that prove that I'm not what I think I am. It's like each day I'm a different person, constantly changing opinions and my feelings are all over the place. I feel like i'm lying to myself about so many things right now. You don't need her. You absolutely need her. You aren't pan. Of course you are. You don't like him. Well maybe you do. You love being a girl. But sometimes it would be easier to be a boy. He thinks you're funny. He doesn't even think about you. Someday things will sort themselves out. No they won't.
I don't know what to do.
Please help me.


you know what? It doesn't matter. I'm just dragging you into problems that you can't help with. I can figure this out on my own


I'm sorry. I can't figure these things out for you. It's hard to not know who you are, believe me when I say I understand. Although, rest assured that you are a great person! Guy, girl, whatever. Still you no matter what gender or sexuality you are.


you know what? It doesn't matter. I'm just dragging you into problems that you can't help with. I can figure this out on my own

This matters to me because you matter to me.


No. You don't need to help me. There are people out there that have bigger problems then me and they deserve more help then I do.

@Becfromthedead group

I know it's hard, but it's normal at your age to not know who you are or what you stand for. You do not have to know all of these things right now, Kmart. That doesn't mean you're lying to yourself. You're just exploring still, and it's okay. It's great that you express concern over who you are and are thinking about these things, but what's not great is that you're clearly stressing yourself out over it. I know how it feels to not be certain about who you are. I've gone through multiple pivotal changes in who I am in recent years, and it can be confusing and stressful, but just know that you're absolutely not alone, and anyone with any love or understanding for you will get all of this.
My suggestion is to just keep trying to better yourself and try your best to love and respect yourself. And also, just keep exploring yourself. Try new things, meet new people, and try to live in the moment. You don't need to feel like a fake or a liar because not everything is figured out.


No. You don't need to help me. There are people out there that have bigger problems then me and they deserve more help then I do.

There's always someone with bigger problems. Just because someone else is in a worse state doesn't mean you don't need or deserve our help. You deserve all our love!


It's when these things hit you, that you double down… I understand you're curious about yourself, and that's wonderful, but take it easy! You're such a good person… It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you're a force for good! And you are one!


I don't know anything about myself
And I know i'm not that old, I shouldn't have these things figured out but I can't even tell you my favorite subject without doubting myself.


I don't know anything about myself
And I know i'm not that old, I shouldn't have these things figured out but I can't even tell you my favorite subject without doubting myself.

That's OK… You shouldn't have to worry about that… What are some things you know about yourself?
(No personal info please…)


I don't know anything about myself
And I know i'm not that old, I shouldn't have these things figured out but I can't even tell you my favorite subject without doubting myself.

That's OK… You shouldn't have to worry about that… What are some things you know about yourself?
(No personal info please…)

I…don't know..


If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? (You don't have to say if you're not comfortable.)

no it's fine. 13


I don't know anything about myself
And I know i'm not that old, I shouldn't have these things figured out but I can't even tell you my favorite subject without doubting myself.

That's OK… You shouldn't have to worry about that… What are some things you know about yourself?
(No personal info please…)

I…don't know..

So you know your thirteen… And you know you're physically female, right?

@Becfromthedead group

Ah, okay. I stand by what I said earlier… Keep trying new things, educating yourself, having new experiences. One day, it'll come together. Maybe some things won't for a while, but that is fine.
I also noticed you said that a lot of people have bigger problems than you. That actually reveals a lot about you. You're likely very considerate of others and have a good amount of empathy, so I feel like that kind of backs up what Shuri said about you being a good person. That's a good place to start.

@Becfromthedead group

The fact that you're thinking about it like this at least proves you have good intentions. We all have to start somewhere. You acknowledge that there's room for improvement, so if you think you're a bad person (which I'm sure you aren't; you're probably just self-conscious more than anything), the best thing to do is to figure out how to improve. What do you think you could to to make yourself a better person? It can be anything, no matter how small.