forum hELP
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

guys it’s one am and I am so fucking exhausted but I can’t sleep. Like the idea is sleep is so freaking terrifying and I don’t even know if I could. I was almost asleep and I got really scared and now i’m Awake !!! Nothing is distracting me enough if I even think of closing my eyes I get scared what’s wrong g with me????


Turn on a little bit of light. Get some headphones and listen to soothing music (piano preferably or flute). If you're still very rattled up you can try to read something calming for a bit. But at some point lean back with the music on and focus on breathing calmly
I've been where you are and i promise that while it's terrifying now you will be okay and it's all going to be fine

Deleted user

but tomorrow’s so busy for me I can’t afford to do this right now! What’s wrong with me!!


Hey it's ok. There's no need to panic about anything right now. Think of your brain as a little kid that's a bit scared - you don't calm it down by telling it that it can't afford to be like this right now. Be gentle with yourself


I know I’m 6 hours late but I’m just going to say that panicking just makes it worse, if you keep trying to go to sleep but end up scaring yourself awake you’ll never sleep but if you take the time to calm yourself down first you might get a few hours. Also I read somewhere that there’s this magical breathing trick that makes you fall asleep in minutes, (it doesn’t work on everyone but it’s effective on most people) I can’t remember what it was but if you google how to fall asleep you’ll probably find it. I think it was called 4 7 8 or something? I dunno.