forum Hello, what are we all writing about? :)
Started by Clara

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Okay, back to what ppl are writing! (I'm so sorry.)

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My mom always told me that i'd set the world on fire.
I did it by throwing a book in the trash. :)

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I'm going to tell my kids about this. (If i have any.)
I'm never going to break my phone or delete that video. My spawn must see my greatness!!!

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Okay! Everyone who wants to talk about what they're writing can now!

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Weell, I plan on ending my second book with an epilogue. In this epilogue, where you least expect it, James dies. Left with a cliffhanger and a sudden character death.


The first book of a three book series I'm writing I'm ending with everyone going their separate ways, seeming like a nice ending. But the readers will cry, "But each of these still young characters have so much interesting life ahead of them! And what about that war you teased, author?" The second book will end with the war starting by a sneak attack on the capital city, and I still haven't decided how to end the third book. It'll come to me as I write though, I think that's the best way. I've got everything else plotted at least.

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For the end of a book, make one of the main characters trusted friends (That should have a romance going on) turn on them and become the main villain, that's a good cliff hanger.

@HighPockets group

My dad and I tried to watch the Holiday Special. He turned it off after less than five minutes because he said he’d be unable to enjoy Star Wars ever again if he watched it.

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Never knew there was such a thing.
I am uncultured swine.