forum Hello, what are we all writing about? :)
Started by Clara

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I honestly have no clue. All I know is that my main character is a girl trying to professionally escape from having to be sent to a boarding school, lol. That's not counting all the other stories I have in the works, lol, but that's the main one.


Now, I'm writing about a lot of things….

One is about a guy who is transformed into an enhanced human, and takes up the mantle as the Savior of Humanity and (by extension), the World. But not in the cliché superhero way. Basically, he deals mostly with street-crime, natural disasters, and accidents, but he has run-ins with Elementals, the forces of Heaven and Hell, Reality-Warpers, Extraterrrestrials, Time-Travellers, Death, Abstract Gods, and a Warmech, while chillin' with his friends and all.

One is about a bunch of people, who have the ability, to manifest !monsters from their subconscious, arguably the most adultlike thing I'm working on.

One is about a bunch of kids, who are Half-Elementals, meaning that they have powers greater than those of their Elemental parents, and that, unlike their parents, they don't have to be around their respective element all the time. But it also means that they have mortal minds and bodies. They deal with a mess of things, in order to make up for the tragedies they accidentally caused as young kids, which they do in literally the first few days of their adventure, until they do so just 'cause.

One is a hundred years in the future, where a fallen angel is trying to figure out how he fell, while figuring out how humans operate, it's a series full of philosophy, and is less based on combat and romance.

And there are more…


I am writing a book about a girl who has nothing but gets everthing and loses it all. she's trying to get it all back but it might not be enough. And more lol.


dragons, currently. well, the book is really about the themes safety vs freedom and free will vs determinism. it's a dystopia disguised as a fantasy.

@Becfromthedead group

My main WIP takes place in an alternate universe where there's the existence of elemental magic, but that's just kind of a side thing. The main focus is on a few people who have done terrible things in their lives (a thief, a hit-man who worked for the mafia, a soldier who fought under a tyrannical government and likely committed war crimes, and an ordinary girl who hasn't done anything terrible, but is the sister of the soldier and just in general is kind of conniving). So basically what happens is that there's been unrest for a long time within the nation (which is a Confederacy made up of states with vastly different cultures that don't work well together as just one nation), and before they know it, they're all caught in the middle of a revolt, but the revolt itself isn't so much the focus as is the individual redemption of each character. It's kind of a mess right now, but I'm starting up my second draft. I never managed to finish the first because I lost the plot, but I think I've got it together this time!


My first story took place in the future, when most of the world’s environment has been destroyed…. she’s imbued with a healing power after her parents’ deaths, and is instrumental in leading the rebellion against the oppressive forces in the civilization that has risen out of the destroyed Earth.


These all sound super interesting guys, I'd totally read all of them. Not even kidding.

The main thing (out of several) I'm working on is set in a place right at the end of its middle ages, post industrial revolution. My main character is the son of a "lord" who was a huge government figure (the best assassin/spy/all around VIP they've had in awhile), but who disappeared when my MC was ten. His mother has already passed away too. But not to worry, they still have their fancy castle and everything and he basically lives with his uncle (while he's not at a government boarding school that his father forced him to attend from the age of seven. My MC really just wanted to be a traveling minstrel). Series starts when he's 15 and graduated and headed for the capital to begin internship-like training. Throughout the story he befriends a dirty shrimp of a girl (who happens to successfully mug him) and a stuck up prince who's better than he is at everything. They're the best friend trio of the series. Story includes: dangerous missions through forests and plains and mountains and deserts and seas, surveillance on/stealing from rich people, preventing the war of the century, resolving royal family problems, rebels that are just as evil as the government, plus whatever character development is due for my so far 25+ cast of characters whose end games will hopefully all weave together for the ultimate climax.

We'll see how that one goes. XD


I'm writing a story about a mentally ill and suicidal character who suddenly gains immortality. But to take it a step further, her immortality is different in that she technically can "die", but instead of staying dead and her immortal soul going off to the afterlife, her entire self is transported to another world. So, she has to come to terms with the fact that no matter what she does, she will just end up in difference places, and lose everything and everyone she knows and loves over and over and over again.


I have a character who's immortal too. Basically, he's gullible, foolish, incompetent and socially awkward, but he is a human/strigoi hybrid, which gives him an ability that no strigoi has. Complete and utter deathlessness and immortality. He also has a few other powers, like superhuman mental and physical endurance, making him hard to wear down, and decent regeneration too, so if he is worn down, both his mind and body will recover in moments. Also, he has a strigoi's "selective twlepathic traumatization", basically, he can knock people out and paralyze them if he's emotional enough. It's hilarious to write, because characters have tried everything to dispatch him. He has been shredded by gunfire, decapitated, impaled, disembodied, eviscerated, dismembered, crushed, burned, frozen, poisoned, infected, exploded, imploded, deprived of sleep til' death, starved, dehydrated, incinerated, even wished out of existence and transmuted into stone, and he always comeback. He is literally the world's best punching bag. And trust me, none of these deaths are as bad as they sound at all. Even one of the most OP characters in that series who has the power to basically instant-BFR-kill anyone can't deal with him. But he is literally the least competent character in the series, the only human/strigoi hybrid too. Basically he can be easily beaten but never killed, except by an omni-being.

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Mine is a lighthearted Sci-fi/ action/ drama/ slice-of-life/ comedy about a cat named Lilac who runs a cafe in space and has to travel to different planets in order to get food for the cafe and make enough money to run it. Every chapter she explores a different planet, learning about it's economy, laws, and inhabitants, all while running away from the threat of the C cats, an army of ravenous cats that want to kill her after she betrayed her own kind. She'll also recruit different kinds of alien species to work for the cafe and help get the Jäger cats off her tail.


Mine is a post world war 3 story in which the governing of the world has been centralized and, in an effort to promote international cooperation, a "World University" has been created. Basically at the age of 14 everyone in the world undergoes a strenuous testing process, both intellectual and physical, to determine if they are worthy of being students at the world university. Also the social structure has a huge divide (lowers and uppers) and they don't mix. The lowers have modern(our time) technology and the uppers have the newest technology that has been created, so comparatively the lowers are living in the 1800's to now. And the world's population is basically cut in half from now because WWIII was HUGE! The MC is a "normal" girl who grew up in a lower family and never really stuck out, but then she takes the exam and qualifies for the WU(World University). Her intelligence is of the type that she absorbs information really easily and without much effort, its almost like she has pre-knowledge about everything she is learning and it come really easily to her. At WU she feels super out of place, she has never really belonged anywhere though, and she has to struggle to stay afloat in a highly competitive school while trying to navigate new social situations and understand all the different people from around the world that attend.