forum Have a chat with the god or goddess of mischief
Started by @Lady_Loki

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Maxwell: Oh, it's not Sunday for us. Time stopped and we have to work on fixing it now, but fortunately the one who stopped it is still frozen so we can have some time to chat and plan.
Dante: Unfortunately, we can't get anywhere near the guy to see what they used unless we wanna be crispy fried, so we're waiting it out until we get our chance to… like, do stuff.


Why does midgard school expect everyone to show up on time and then make them learn so early in the morning? Midgard schools confuse me. (I know Lexi it is so confusing.)

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El: Preach, sisters!
Dante: You still have to go to school, El.
El: Daaaad! Not fair!

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Maxwell: I advocated for the free access to education for everyone for six years, I did not raise you to act like this, young lady!!!
El: You didn't raise me, Dad. Other Dad did points to Dante.

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Dante: I recently married Maxwell, we had only dated for six months but… well, we're old souls, and when you've been through stuff together, you've been through it.
Maxwell: He means we fought his crazy ex to stop him from causing a scandal in the Immortal Court.
Dante: I was part of that at one point! Unseelie, ha.
El: We knoooow! Jesus Christ, it's not a big deal anymore!

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El: Oooh, sorry, weird inside jokes that aren't funny. Dad is immortal, Therapy Dad (Maxwell) can't die, for undisclosed reasons, and I'm the grey area.
Dante: So, trickster deities, huh? You know, back in my day, I was pretty much the equivalent to a trickster being, just…. savvy. Er.

@V01DtheFae group

LOKI help!

What do you need help with? Did someone hurt you? Do I need to hurt someone? Who do I have to threaten?

i got lost and also my thor is the equivalent of a mule


I'm on Midgard being punished because of a pranked me and my twin did. Well my Thor wouldn't even know what happened to him if he went to a different universe.


I can't believe that Midgard has a month just full of creepy things. I can't believe that midgard has a day called Halloween.

@V01DtheFae group

I can't believe that Midgard has a month just full of creepy things. I can't believe that midgard has a day called Halloween.

i was 'born' on that day