forum Have a chat with the god or goddess of mischief
Started by @Lady_Loki

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Who Doesn't like chocolate. I don't like it I love chocolate. I would eat chocolate everyday if I could but I can't because of stupid Thor and Odin. (Lexi how many times do I have to tell you, you don't need to call Thor stupid call him a buffoon.) HAHA that is so true Loki.


Loki if I wanted you to get on here I would let you but you are still not allowed on here. (That was like three months ago that you said that how much longer am I not allowed on here.) Two more days then you are allowed back on here. (Yay)

Deleted user

So anything good happen during your day, or is it just the same normal stuff?


So anything good happen during your day, or is it just the same normal stuff?

Well Me and my Twin are stuck in this mortal place called school it is boring and horrible we don't like it at all. Thor is missing Tony is dead. Cap is old. I'm sad that black widow is dead she was my friend, hawkeye is my friend he lets me over at is place from time to time his family is doing great, ant man's daughter is awesome, tony daughter takes after him, spider man and me are the best of friends, scarlet witch and I are best friends, captain marvel and me knows each other from when she was here on earth, Black panther's sister and I get along so well that one time we made actually light sabers from the star wars movies, bucky and me get along so well that he lets me call him brother and he lets me help him when he is in trouble or just need someone to talk to, the Hulk and are like brother and sister that if he sees someone hurts me he will protect me no matter who it is, He also forgave my twin. Well that's all I can put down so that I don't ruin the time line. @Loki_Lyakuya hello my brother from another universe.


(DON'T REMIND ME OF TONY NO. also imma girl funny how alternate worlds work but i still do love pranks on lowly mortals)

I'm sorry. Well then Hello my sister


(cries softly in the darkest corner that could be found)

It's k don't cry if it makes you feel better. One time me and tony pulled a prank on my brother Thor it was so funny that me and him had to hide for at least a week, and if you are wondering what the prank was well lets just say that tony and me are not allowed to be near his pop tarts and tony can not buy him any pop tarts at all. The only person who can get Thor his pop tarts is Pepper.


No we didn't do that but thanks for the next prank idea that I can do on Hawkeye. We took all of his pop tarts and mixed them up and when he went to get one of his pop tarts the next day he got the wrong flavor and he also had gotten one of our fake pop tarts too it was so funny watching try to eat the fake pop tart that he almost broke his teeth. It was so funny that me and Tony was rolling on the floor with laughter.


And if you want to know the other pranks we pulled on the other avengers and which avenger let me know or if you want to talk to Loki let me know ok.


First of all @FanfictionFanatic we would never prank the widow of black or black widow because if you have never seen her mad then you really don't want to make her mad at all because if you make her mad then you are dead no matter where you go or if you try to hide. So to answer your question we have never pranked her.