forum Harry Potter House
Started by sky m

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Well this narrows it down um, I think I would be either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but I act like a slytherin.


im a hufflepuff because without kindness it's all kinda meaningless although now that i think about it ambition is also really high on my list of values so i guess I'm hufflepuff with slytherin tendencies? I'm actually not a harry potter fan but the houses are cute


you know what you're prob gryffindor that's the most drastic decision, besides slytherin, but slytherins are determined and they KNOW they're slytherins. If you're willing to die for someone, you're gryffindor, even if you'll try to find a way for both of you to survive, or if they'll die anyways

Deleted user

Now you just narrowes it down to Either Slytherin or RavenClaw.


Wait what? No I said that you're not Slytherin bc literally every Slytherin knows what they are and like… they're determined, driven, and ambitious. THEY KNOW, trust me.
Then I'm Gryffindor, and I'd die for someone, but I'm not dumb lol. I'm gonna try and find a way to save us both, but if it comes down to it, I will die for other people. (And maybe, they'll die too, but like…. I was willing to die for them, so I'm Gryffindor.)
You sound like you're the same way.
Welcome to the (best) House!!!

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Yeah bro
that's what you got on Pottermore too

I never took Pottermore, I took Playbuzz

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I am Hufflepuff! Badger Pride! Team Hugglefluff!

Deleted user

Okay I see what you're saying

Slytherins are portrayed as bullies

And some of are

But all the other houses have bullies as well

Except Hufflehugs. We just make everyone tea and cake and tell people to be nice and hug everyone and lose at Quidditch.


No, that wasn't what I was saying! I'm not for Slytherin-villainizing, my best friend is Slytherin
But like, Slytherins play by rules. Their own rules, but rules, still


Okay I see what you're saying

Slytherins are portrayed as bullies

And some of are

But all the other houses have bullies as well

Except Hufflehugs. We just make everyone tea and cake and tell people to be nice and hug everyone and lose at Quidditch.

I feel like that's not quite accurate? Didn't Hufflepuff win against Gryffindor in book 3 or 4? Plus there are lots of quidditch matches in the books that aren't actually in the books, bc we only see some of the Gryffindor vs. x matches.
And here's something a lil more controversial- hufflepuffs can be mean too. Like, the primary trait they value is hard work, and like…. even though they also value friendship, they could be mean to people they're not friends with.