forum Harry Potter House
Started by sky m

people_alt 10 followers


Whispers You can display qualities of multiple houses but still be in just one… Each of the golden trio could have been in another house (Ron-Hufflepuff, Harry-Slytherin, Hermione-Ravenclaw), but it's really about what you value the most. I value courage and have a strong sense of right/wrong, so I'm Gryffindor. However, most people assume I'm in Ravenclaw bc I'm v intelligent


It's what you value most. Like, I will (and have, lol (jk this isn't funny at all)) sacrifice friendships or knowledge if something doesn't align with my moral code. And like, I'm determined and ambitious, but I wouldn't say I value those traits highly enough to put me in Slytherin



Lemme put it this way

Slytherin: I'd kill for you

Gryffindor: I'd die for you

Ravenclaw: I'll find a way we can both survive

Hufflepuff: I'll die with you

You can only choose one