Started by @-Love, Blue

people_alt 7 followers

@HighPockets group

The good parts are good but the bad parts are really bad.
I liked Delphi as a character which seems like an unpopular opinion, I just abhore the whole 'VoldiTrix's love child!!!!!' thing with her.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry. Lols. It's just that they both have the same recurring theme of "What was good in the last ones? Let's bring that back! Evil scarred Sith lord!" Random guy "He died"
"Make a new one! Masked scary dude!" "He died too." "We'll make a new one!"
"Death Star!" "Sir…" "Shut up Carl we'll make a bigger one!"
"The clones.- Nobody cares!"

"Hey guys. You know how Voldemort was defeated? What if we brought him back?"
"With time travel!"
"But all the Time Turners were destroyed…"
"Good point. Ah, I'm sure Hermione would just have one lying around."

@HighPockets group

I respectfully disagree with your TFA opinion, but TCC was honestly bad. The scene where I was like "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!?!" was when Harry I-Have-No-Parents-But-Wish-I-Did Potter told Albus that he wished he wasn't his son! Harry would never say that! I did like Scorpius, but none of the kids besides Scorpius and Albus were included. When Rose was, she was being a brat about Houses, and like….Ronmione's kid wouldn't do that. Hermione "Mudblood and Proud!" Granger would never let her daughter trash talk another House like that, even if it is Slytherin.