forum Hamilton Song Train
Started by @iEchoX

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[Hamilton] Corruption’s such an old song that we can sing along in harmony
And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany
This colony’s economy’s increasingly stalling and
Honestly, that’s why public service seems to be calling me


[Hamilton] I practiced the law, I practically perfected it
I’ve seen injustice in the world and I’ve corrected it
Now for a strong central democracy
If not, then I’ll be Socrates
Throwing verbal rocks at these mediocrities


[Hamilton] Non stop
Corruptions such an old song that we can sing along in harmony
and nowhere is it stronger than in Albany
the colony's economy's increasingly stalling
and honestly I think that's why public service just seems to be calling me


[Burr] Hamilton, at the Constitutional Convention:
[Hamilton] I was chosen for the Constitutional Convention!
[Burr] There as a New York junior delegate:
[Hamilton] Now what I’m going to say may sound indelicate…


[Hamilton] I practiced the law, I practically perfected it
I’ve seen injustice in the world and I’ve corrected it
Now for a strong central democracy
If not, then I’ll be Socrates
Throwing verbal rocks at these mediocrities

We did it already


Goes and proposes his own form of governing
his own plan for a new central government
he talks for six hours
the convention is listless


Why do you always say what you believe?
Why do you always say what you believe?
Ev'ry proclamation guarantees
Free ammunition for your enemies


Why do you write like it’s going out of style?
Write day and night like it’s going out of style?
Every day you fight like it’s going out of style,
Do what you do…


I know I talk too much, I’m abrasive
You’re incredible in court
You’re succinct, persuasive
My client needs a strong defense
You’re the solution


[Burr] No
[Hamilton] Hear me out
[Burr] No way!
[Hamilton]A series of essays, anonymously published
Defending the document to the public
[Burr] No one will read it
[Hamilton] I disagree


[Burr] And if it fails?
[Hamilton] Burr, thats why we need it!
[Burr] The constitutions a mess!
[Hamilton] So it needs amendments
[Burr] It's full of contradictions
[Hamilton] So is independence, we have to start somewhere


[Burr] No. No way
[Hamilton] You’re making a mistake.
[Burr] Goodnight.
[Hamilton] Hey, what are you waiting for?
What do you stall for?
[Burr] What?
[Hamilton] We won the war
What was it all for?
Do you support this constitution?


[Hamilton] Burr, we studied and we fought and we killed
For the notion of a nation we now get to build
For once in your life, take a stand with pride
I don’t understand how you stand to the side


[Burr] I will keep all my plans close to my chest
Wait for it, wait for it, wait
I'll wait here and see, which way the wind will blow