forum Greetings.
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Deleted user


I’m new here. Although that’s not that hard to see. I know next to nothing about any of the people on here, and that’s more than likely true for you guys towards me.
A bit about myself…

  • I am writing a book based on/taking inspiration from some of the people and events in my life.

  • English is not my first language.

  • I can be very active one week, and the next I could be extremely inactive.

  • I’m happy to answer any questions about myself or the people that I live with (I checked, it is okay with them.)

  • My nicknames include Lido, although I am mostly known as Liberti.

  • I live with a snake. I do not own the snake, one of my roommates does (Dil.)

  • Occasionally, I ride motorcycles.

  • I’m tall.

  • Although I speak Russian as one of my main languages, for your information, I was not born in Russia and I’ve only been there a few times.

  • Any pronouns are good for me.

  • Biromantic Asexual.

  • Occasionally, I partake in roleplays. But very rarely.

  • I sing. Sometimes.

  • I like politics and debating. Feel free to approach me if you have a topic. Although it depends on what the topic is.

  • That’s all I can think of right now.

Anyways. Feel free to ask me questions or introduce yourself to me.

@saor_illust school

Hey Liberti! It's nice to meet you!

Welcome to Notebook, we're glad to have you in our community! Hope you'll like it here!
I'm Izzy, the site… cat lover, I guess. I read, write, and draw sometimes. Love cats always. Aaaaaaand I want to die half the time. Anyways, that's my intro, I guess. Kinda boring, I know.

Alright, well I'm also kinda awkward sometimes, and I guess now is one of them, since I can't figure out if there's anything more I should say.

Deleted user

Hi Liberti! I'm Jaymee, but I also go by Jay, James, or Joker. I'm not all that new to Notebook, since I've had an account for almost a year, but I am new to the forums. I'm a girl who is really into reading, learning languages (Spanish, Latin, Japanese, and Klingon are the languages I am currently learning), writing, poetry, anime, swimming, music, video games, archery, and throwing knives. I have anxiety and sometimes won't respond to something if I get too nervous. Currently I am writing about 4 stories I hope to get published, but I keep redoing them and editing, I don't know if they will ever be complete. I too, am a tall person. I stand around 5'10.

It's very nice to meet you, Liberti!! :)

Deleted user

heya dude, name's atlas, nice to meet ya
im actually with you on the whole "active one week then gone the other"
I take breaks now and then to get my world building rollin'
also, you mentioned motorcycles and snakes, and that's the most badass thing i've heard someone say on this site
once i get my licence i'll probably get a motorcycle too, it's on my list of things to get
along with a snake and possibly tarantula

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

sup liberti! i'm stell, your friendly neighborhood memelord and tom holland stan. call me girl or formless blob idc whatever boats your float.

i like to be on here as much as i can but i can't always do that so it's complicated. HOwever, if you need a meme i shall deliver it to you withOut fail. i am currently learning dutch because i live in the netherlands but i'm originally from good old California babey. if u need emotional support also i will be there yes 👉👈

hope u enjoy ur time here! feel free to chat with me whenever. also i like making aesthetic boards so if u want one hmu!

love, a useless lesbian :)))

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm Winter! Nice to meet ya! I've been to Russia a few times, I shall not go on details. I'm engaged at 17, I love the cold, and I am an extreme extrovert. I will tall about most anything. English isn't my first language, Scots Gaelic is, but English is right there with it. If you have any questions about anything, you'll get an answer soon enough. Everyone here is very nice, and I admire that everyone is a vastly different person here. I hope you love your time on Notebook!

Deleted user

Thank you for the introductions everyone. Sorry for not responding right away. I’m already proving the point where I can become very inactive.

As for the snake, I don’t think I’ll be able to provide a photo for several reasons (I do not own the snake, one of the people who I live with does) but I could attempt to sketch something down. She’s a ball python named Kota.