forum Give me three random facts about yourself.
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 37 followers


3 Random Facts-

  • My birthday is in November
  • I've had too many dogs to even count, but sadly they have all died
  • I've been writing since I was about 7 or 8

3 Things I like

  • Girly things
  • Pastel Colors
  • Aesthetic pictures or drawings

3 Things I hate

  • Tomatoes (yuck)
  • Math (the bane of my existence)
  • People with no filters.


I had one cat named Tevye whom my family had since before I was born to when I was thirteen
I was almost born in Germany
I am bisexual


3 random facts
1- I exist.
2- I havent died yet.
3- I have a strange obssesion with pouring juice in a bowl freezing it and eating it like ice cream.
3 things I like
1- complicated plans
2- oversized sweaters
3- Libraries with comfy chairs
3 things I hate
1- repetition
2- being left in the dark (not literally I mean like not being informed about something)
3- styrofoam cups…….my mortal enemy

@Story_Siren group

3 Facts About me

  1. i've traveled to several countries so far in my life.
  2. i just moved.
  3. i love to give hugs.

Things i Love

  1. God.
  2. BOOKS
  3. How many different cultures and races and countries there are in the world.

Things i Hate

  1. Being uniformed.
  2. When i'm in a room surrounded by friends and yet feel so, so lonely.
  3. People who see things in black and white.


Random facts

  • Some items listed might change with time, but they hold true now (yay, I’m a dynamic character. I can change!)
  • I’ve managed to trip up the stairs
  • I had to paint life size portraits/silhouettes of me and my friend

What I love

  • God and the life he gave me
  • Everyone
  • Art and storytelling

What I hate

  • Steep staircases
  • Extremely high-up open places without walls/railings or with too many people
  • When people climb up onto said tall/unstable structures (if you couldn’t tell, I’m acrophobic)


-I once partied for 15 hours straight.
-I am a huge fan of Dragonball/Z/GT/Super.
-I have tried all kinds of foreign delicacies.

-Intelligent conversation.
-Equality, freedom and diversity of, and for the people, ALL the people.
-Subjects like multiverse theory, string theory, BBT, BCT, and the hierarchy of both angels and demons, and conspiracy theories, as well as things that we can answer like evolution, the macroverse, and the miceoverse.

-Dead memes. (except a few, which will always have a place in my heart, [Looking at you, DIO!], and such.)


About me:
-I can Russian Dance
-I have hiked 70 miles in 2 weeks in New Mexico
-I have once succeeded in wearing 15 different hats at once

-Ancient History

-People who argue when they know they're wrong
-People chewing with their freaking mouth open (seriously I have a problem)
-The typical popular person


Little things about me:
I love sitting in high places (the higher the better) and sneaking around, and am notoriously quiet.
I watch a ton of old horror/sci-fi movies and laugh at the ridiculous special effects
I have a mole in one eye

Acting in a community theater group
Staring pointlessly off into the middle distance
Photography/doodling/artsy stuff (writing is an art)

Things I absolutely HATE:
Vicious insects (spiders, mosquitoes, wasps, bees, etc.)
People who don't take mental illnesses seriously


Okay these are all gonna be random, ofc, so not necessarily at the top of love or hate either:


  1. I tried to spit off of the Empire State Building but a cop pulled my head back
  2. I hiked to the top of a volcano and threw rocks in the mouth (didn't spit though,should have thought of that)
  3. I have two adopted brothers


  1. Family and friends
  2. Watching movies and TV shows and reading books
  3. Playing the piano (and listening to music)


  1. Being injured so that I can't do what I want to do
  2. Being stuck inside all day
  3. Books and movies and TV shows that I hate being loved by a close friend (not because I hate the friend, but because now I have to suffer the guilt XD)

@JillyB88 Premium Supporter

Random facts:
-I have had up to 21 cats in the same year
-I am currently in the metaphorical closet(Bisexual)
-My favorite flavor of gum is either strawberry starburst or watermelon
Things I love:
-My two cats Sherlock and Watson
-youtubers (Dan and Phil, Shane Dawson, markiplier, etc.)
-Reading/listening to books
Things I hate:
-when people I trusted make me feel worthless
-pop culture from 2016-2018
(adding extra that make me mad. sorry)
-Jake and Logan Paul! (the two dumbest and most disrespectful youtubers since JB's tough guy phase)
-having younger people talk over me and treat me like I'm (11 -13 year olds in general)

@HighPockets group

Fun facts:
Kelly Maria Tran is my favorite actress
I have raised an orphan cat
I have over three hundred Star Wars action figures
Things I like:
Acting in plays and musicals
Writing freeverse poetry
Things I dislike:
Being disrespected by people younger than me
People thinking I’m immature for liking the things I like
People acting like some stuff I like isn’t appropriate for me when it is
People who drag movies or books by saying that they’re (insert word that the person uses incorrectly that is meant to spite people)
People who don’t take me seriously


@JillyB I haven’t watched Dan and Phil in a while, but I love them. I just watched Shane AND Markiplier today, and all four are so awesome.

3 random facts:
-I used to collect stuffed animal cats and name them after Warriors series characters. I have over 30 in one drawer.
-I have been to Chicago, L.A., and New York City
-I had the same favorite song for about 3-4 years, but now I’ve had 5 different favorite songs in the past year

Things I love:
-Shane, my queen
-Food in general
-The color blue, like the color of the ocean, going to the beach, the smell of the beach, the color of a rainy day, the smell of rain, walking around my neighborhood while it’s raining, feeling rain on my skin, staring out a window at the rain, swimming in pools, riding waves in the ocean, being in Florida, going down water slides, taking long hot showers, walking along a beach, JUST WATER IN GENERAL

Things I Hate:
-Cooked vegetables
-People who disrespect my OTP
-6-year olds with phones (I’m not saying I despise random little kids, it’s just kinda annoying)
-Sports that include a ball


@snowflake_castiel So skiing, sledding, archery, badminton, hockey, skating, sledding, curling, dancing, swimming, and slaloming are all fair game?

Deleted user

random facts? Hmm…I love learning new languages (I'm learning French, Russian, and Farsi rn), but one particular language eludes me. Ironically, this is Tagalog, the language of the country I've lived in for 12 years and can hear around me nearly every day. (sobs)
I can't imagine my life without writing, and yet I can't write for shit.
I like green tea :3