forum Game_adventure.mp3
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

You are back at the creatures category of your inventory. What now?

  • Exit
  • Musubikuchi
  • Amarok
  • Release
  • Feed

Deleted user

You have selected Musubikuchi.

  • Exit
  • Summary
  • Release
  • Feed
  • Use

(Author's note: If you want, you can select multiple commands at once to skip dialogue pages.
Example: Open inventory, go to creatures section, see Amarok's Summary)

Deleted user

(It's a dragoon and also I kinda want to go to the tower next and backup would be nice lol.)

Deleted user

You call Musubikuchi's name, summoning it from its crystal enclosure. It leaps out eagerly, lengthy body and all, but its expression suddenly changes to a far more serious and concerned one once it sees the tower. What will you do?

  • Use Musubkichi to climb the tower
  • Use Musubikuchi help fight whatever lies inside the tower
  • Use Musubikuchi destroy the tower
  • Use Musubikuchi to leave
  • Put Musubikuchi back inside of its crystal
  • Release
  • Inventory

Deleted user

You inform Ikuchi (short for Musubikuchi) of your situation. Determined, you look to the entrance of the tower.

  • Enter tower
  • Enter tower, but badass

Deleted user

(Why am I so tempted to say Enter tower, but badass? Lol. No that is not what I'll say…yet. Idk.)

Deleted user

You pull your two best pairs of sunglasses out of seemingly nowhere, one for Ikuchi and one for yourself. The two of you nod to each other, placing the glasses over your eyes. Again, seemingly from nowhere, "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor starts playing off in the distance with that iconic guitar riff. You strut your way towards the tower's entrance like you own the place, one hand in your pocket and the other out. Ikuchi puts three hands from its left side on wherever its hips would be and mimics your strut. You knock on the door rhetorically, only to bust it down. As you gaze into a totally lame abyss of darkness, your voice echoes:
"I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm already out of gum."
What next, general badass?

  • Inventory
  • Leave
  • Take off sunglasses and be serious
  • Investigate
  • Put Ikuchi back in its crystal
  • Use Ikuchi's magic

Deleted user

You slide your hands across a wall to your right, Ikuchi staying on guard. Suddenly, your hand comes a small handle.

  • Pull
  • Use Ikuchi to break it off
  • Pussy out like you're totally uncool