forum Game_adventure.mp3
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 37 followers

Deleted user

You find yourself at the edge of a bridge covered by clouds of the sky. There is little light illuminating you, so all you see are the faint outlines of buildings, specifically a large tower a few feet away from you.
Your options are:

  • Run away
  • Enter tower
  • Open Inventory
  • Jump

What will you do?

Deleted user

Open inventory-I want to see what I've got before I enter the tower!

(May I do this please?)

Deleted user

(Can I join??)

Any player may join at any time. Commands will be taken by whoever replies first. If there are multiple players who respond around the same time, the command will be chosen by the most selected number of commands.

Deleted user

You open your inventory, a magic satchel which can supposedly hold an infinite number of items. Your items have been organized into different categories:

  • Creatures
  • HP/ Mana recovery
  • Armor
  • Key Items

Select one.

Deleted user

You open the Armor section of the inventory, which lists out what metallic shells adorn you, where, and the kind in your possession. You are currently wearing no armor. The armor currently in your possession is:

  • Rotting Bronze Armet (head)
  • Rotting Bronze Bevor (Chest)

You May:

  • Exit the Armor section
  • Select and equip armor
  • View Armor stats (it will be displayed when equipped)
  • Throw away armor

Deleted user

You put the Rotting Bronze Armet over your head and slide the Rotting Bronze Bevor onto your chest.The Armet increased your Defense from 10 to 21, but decreased speed from 20 to 14. The Bevor Increased defense from 31 to 36, but decreased Speed from 14 to 7. Combined, your defense is at 36 points, and speed is 7.
It's not exactly the best kind of armor, but you'll use what you can get.
What will you do now?

  • Unequip armor
  • View Armor Stats Again
  • Exit the Armor Section
  • Throw Away Armor

Deleted user

You exit the armor section, going back to your numerous inventory categories. What do you select?

  • Creatures
  • Hp/Mana Recovery
  • Armor
  • Key Items

Deleted user

You select the Creatures section of the inventory, containing your collection of befriended critters willing to fight. They are encapsulated within small crystals and can be summoned if you strike a certain pose and yell out whatever name they would like to be called. You have two so far. What will you select?

  • Exit Creatures Section
  • Musubikuchi
  • Amarok
  • Release Creature
  • Feed Creature

Deleted user

You have selected Musubikuchi. What will you do?

  • See description (summary, stats, etc.)
  • Release
  • Exit Musubikuchi
  • level up

Deleted user

Name: Musubikuchi
Species: Dragon
Element: Water
Description: A dragon you've known since childhood. You were gifted it on your tenth birthday when it was a humble egg. You grew up alongside it, attaining an incredible bond.
Its body is long and slippery like a snake's with six legs- three for each side. A ring of feathers flows from the top of its head amidst turquoise scales. It uses its body to coil around opponents, tying them down into a knot, only releasing until no signs of life are present.
Level: 23
HP: 70
Defense: 37
Speed: 90
Mana: 20
Experience Points Until Next Level: 963

What next?

  • Exit Musubikuchi Description
  • Release
  • Level Up
  • Heal

Deleted user

You exit Musubikuchi's description, placing you back in the Creatures section of your inventory.
What will you choose?

  • Exit
  • Musubikuchi
  • Amarok
  • Release Creature
  • Feed Creature

Deleted user

You have chosen the creature Amarok. What will you select?

  • Exit
  • Release
  • See Description
  • Level Up

Deleted user

Name: Amarok
Species: Wolf
Element: earth
Description: A giant, rapacious, fowl wolf who loves the fresh scent of blood. It goes on what you like to call "Violent rampages", destroying any living creature it faces if angered enough. You're not very close to this creature, you just recently "befriended" it, so your bond isn't anything to brag about. It's the kind that enjoys being alone. You only use it in the direst of situations.
Level: 17
HP: 86
Defense: 61
Attack: 75
Speed: 30
Mana: 11
Experience Points Until Next Level: 555
What will you do?

  • Exit
  • Release
  • Level up
  • Heal