forum Funny stories!
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Where people can tell funny stories about themselves, or just funny stories in general! Don't worry, you don't have to share anything that you don't want random internet strangers knowing, this is just a general happy chill Hakuna Matata cheer-people-up-with-funny-stories hangout.


Tonight my siblings were naming a bunch of inanimate objects. Don't ask why 'cause I don't even know. But some of the names were as follows: BlahBlahBlah, Mememoomoomoo, Blibliblahblah, Youisstupid, OttoTwo, Felix, Takanahoha, Kitchensink, Bob, NotBob, GlitterFace, SilverNothingness……would you like some more names? They're all hilarious


Okay so here are a few more: Titahooha, Blegwhathamahuh, Mimihoohooyouyou, Y-oYeet, McFluffington, Sir Blapblahboop, AlexanderStoopidhead(is was a spoon which makes is so much funnier) TitaniWHOA, Ablahpipa, Seesawwhathuh, Whyareyoutochingmybed(it was a blanket on my brother's bed lol) Donttouchme, YeehawHooha, and many many more we were bored ok?
And then this happened:(I did it to make my brother laugh, and almost hit my sister in the face with my arm while I was abruptly pointing it at the turtle stuffed animal again which made my brother laugh harder)
Otto, Otto, Otto, Otto, Turtle, Otto, Otto, Ot–WAIT! gasp TURTLE! GET THE TURTLE GET THE TURTLE

Deleted user

One time my mom closed the car window on my hand

Um. That sounds painful. Are you okay?

Deleted user

Actually, once when I was five years old I was visiting this other church with my Dad…….. (cue dramatic flashback)
So, adults get the tipsy juice and young'uns get grape juice at communion, and then everyone gets (sighs happily because of the semi-delightful memories that become very bad memories quite soon) freshly baked bread (one of my weaknesses, they didn't make freshly baked bread this at the church I normally attend. This would be considered a "rare treat" which only happens on Easter or Christmas services), but I, being new to that church and a stupid small child that was used to just taking one of the small plastic cups filled with reddish purple grape juice (at my or other church alcohol was prohibited) at random. I drank it down incredibly quickly but before I swallowed, a terrible flavor overwhelmed my taste buds and I spit out the very stain-prone drink onto the light-colored carpet from which stains rarely leave. Long story short, I learned to always ask what was in the little plastic cups before I drank and have completely sworn off alcohol forever and ever.

Deleted user

Oh dear. A similar thing happened at a part when I was little. This kid thought sangria was juice and he was starting on his second cup by the time his mom noticed and she was like "nOPE!" (In case you didn't know, sangria is a type of alcoholic drink with lots of juice content. It's basically just punch with hard alcohol. Because you can't taste the alcohol under all the fruitiness sometimes it's hard to remember that it's not just juice and hat you have to drink it slowly and not have too much. Then there's just this five-year-old kid chugging it like it's orange juice XD).

Deleted user

once I fell off of a 15-foot high dive onto concrete, yet, I didn't break any bones

….how and why and how?

Deleted user

once I fell off of a 15-foot high dive onto concrete, yet, I didn't break any bones

The angels are on your side. Holy baloney.


…some of these aren't even funny they just sound painful
I have a scary one but it's happy bc I survived!
one time I almost died while rappelling
rappelling is when you're in a rock climbing harness but you're walking down a clif backwards (like how batman climbs up buildings but in reverse)
and my gear bag got caught in my rappel line
and I got stuck and couldn't move
and no one could get to me
also we were night rappelling and I didn't have a headlamp so my only light was moonlight/starlight
so uh it was scary and I def cried
but eventually I got the bag untangled and I got down
and it was v nice to be on the ground again lol
and I got the most inspirational climber award bc of that
and then like the next day I went rappelling with a twelve or eleven y.o. girl (I was a camp counselor) and I helped her get through rappelling (which is scary your first time) and I didn't even mention all the things that went wrong the night before for me
and then she wrote me a nice note about how much I helped her
and it makes me smile :D

Deleted user

…some of these aren't even funny they just sound painful
I have a scary one but it's happy bc I survived!
one time I almost died while rappelling
rappelling is when you're in a rock climbing harness but you're walking down a clif backwards (like how batman climbs up buildings but in reverse)
and my gear bag got caught in my rappel line
and I got stuck and couldn't move
and no one could get to me
also we were night rappelling and I didn't have a headlamp so my only light was moonlight/starlight
so uh it was scary and I def cried
but eventually I got the bag untangled and I got down
and it was v nice to be on the ground again lol
and I got the most inspirational climber award bc of that
and then like the next day I went rappelling with a twelve or eleven y.o. girl (I was a camp counselor) and I helped her get through rappelling (which is scary your first time) and I didn't even mention all the things that went wrong the night before for me
and then she wrote me a nice note about how much I helped her
and it makes me smile :D

Aww! You're so brave and that bit with the little girl is adorable!

@Becfromthedead group

Oof… some of these just straight up sound painful/terrifying… I guess y'all's idea of "funny story" is different than mine?
One of my many funny stories is actually a text conversation, so I guess I'll just type that out and replace people's names for privacy.

Allison: Also side note but I was just looking for my graphics tablet and found like 3 separate knives
Me: Lmao
Jane: Lol how Allison?
Allison: Idk i use some for carving and stuff and others are just kinda there
also sharp fyi when you see a knife dont stroke the blade to see how sharp it is
Jane: Lol I thought you were talking about like butcher knives
Allison: Nah butcher knives stay in the kitchen
Hey im just living my life
Me: Not for long if you go around stroking knife blades


…some of these aren't even funny they just sound painful
I have a scary one but it's happy bc I survived!
one time I almost died while rappelling
rappelling is when you're in a rock climbing harness but you're walking down a clif backwards (like how batman climbs up buildings but in reverse)
and my gear bag got caught in my rappel line
and I got stuck and couldn't move
and no one could get to me
also we were night rappelling and I didn't have a headlamp so my only light was moonlight/starlight
so uh it was scary and I def cried
but eventually I got the bag untangled and I got down
and it was v nice to be on the ground again lol
and I got the most inspirational climber award bc of that
and then like the next day I went rappelling with a twelve or eleven y.o. girl (I was a camp counselor) and I helped her get through rappelling (which is scary your first time) and I didn't even mention all the things that went wrong the night before for me
and then she wrote me a nice note about how much I helped her
and it makes me smile :D

Aww! You're so brave and that bit with the little girl is adorable!

Thank you!!! honestly it was one of the best experiences the entire week of being a counselor

Deleted user

Once my sister chased me around our house with a knife.

Your funny stories terrify me.


One time Huxly came to my religion thread and offered themselves up as the object of worship for my Wonderlandian religion
it made me laugh

Deleted user

One time Huxly came to my religion thread and offered themselves up as the object of worship for my Wonderlandian religion
it made me laugh

That's great XD


It was just earlier today lol
I'm like "what are your thoughts who/what would a wonderland religion be like/worship" and they came in like


One time Huxly came to my religion thread and offered themselves up as the object of worship for my Wonderlandian religion
it made me laugh
