forum Fullmetal Alchemist?
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 6 followers


First time I watched Brotherhood I watched the first four episodes in one sitting, and then everything else in three days…


I've watched the entirety of both. I definitely liked Brotherhood better as a whole, but strangely enough I felt like the original made me feel the brotherhood between Ed and Al much better than Brotherhood did. I also cried more than I ever cried during Brotherhood. I'd say it's not that great for a lot of plot and logic and just plain stupid things, but still worth watching in the end.


Magic, no it's toootally science. Because Drawing a circle on the ground that lets you transmits one thing into another without the air of a machine is sooo science…
(Obviously sarcasm…)

But seriously… The show is great, the dub actually good except for Al sometimes, the art and soundtrack are average… It's original, and twists the original idea of alchemy into something cooler… I'm binging the whole show, and I got two seasons in one day…


I watch lots of anime where the soundtrack is killer, I'm desensitized to great sound trscks, it doesn't reach me unless it's a REALLY good soundtrack, and GMA doesn't seem like a show anyone watches for the music… Although I'll agree that most of the openings and endings are undeniably awesome!


I personally LOVE FMA. I'm currently watching Brotherhood, but school's kicking my arse and I haven't been able to watch for a while. I made the mistake of watching the 2003 version first, and now I'm even more emotionally damaged than I was before!! YAY!! Hughes remains my favorite character, and my two favorite openings are Ready Steady Go and Again.

@Becfromthedead group

I saw the 2003 version first. I've watched an episode of Brotherhood, but I'm lazy and can't seem to finish any shows right now. Heck, I'm in the middle of Jojo part 4, and every time I sit down to watch the episode I'm currently on, the Internet decides that it's time to be terrible.