forum From Amber :)
Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

people_alt 58 followers


Heyo guys! So I realize that I’m in a lot of roleplays at the moment, and I’m really very sorry to all those people I’m roleplaying with.
I’ve kind of taken another turn for the worse and my replies will probably be far and few between for a while. If that bothers anyone to the point of wanting to stop a roleplay, I completely understand and all you have to do is let me know!
Once again, I feel absolutely awful about doing this, I’m really so sorry.
I love you all a lot, take care of yourselves, and happy summer holidays :) See you soon!

@Icefire @Rvan @Ladybeetle @moonlight-daze @Carrots @MarDeColores @Young-Dusty


Hey Amber, it’s okay! Take all the time you need to recover and become yourself. We’ll be here for you when you get back. All the best, lotta love <33

@Rvan group

Hey dude it is absolutely completely totally okay!!! Take care of yourself! I literally have 13 unread roleplays right now ‘cause I don’t have any energy to respond to them, and I probably won’t respond to any of them for a couple more days, so legit don’t feel bad at all for not responding because I probably wouldn’t even be able to respond back anytime soon haha. Take as long as you need man, I would never be mad at someone for taking time off from notebook, no matter how long, for their mental health.