forum Forum game: Would you rather
Started by @yeetus

people_alt 6 followers


One of my favourite things that ever existed, to be honest.
So, if you don't, you name two very unpleasant options for a person to choose from. Here, the next person would name their choice and state the reason then make another similar question and so on.

Person 1: WYR find a scorpion or spider in your shoe?
Person 2: Scorpion. I'm arachnophobic. WYR never be able to die or be a zombie?
Person 3: Never able to die. Existence as a zombie is too creepy.
And so on


  • Keep it PG-13
  • Don't have choices that may seem rude to some people
  • Be nice
  • Try to make it specific, if not, please don't go for the loopholes

First question:
WYR change your physical gender every time you sneeze or be painted completely red for a month and not tell anyone why?

Deleted user

Red. I really would not like to be a boy, for any reason. (Sorry any boys out there)
Would you rather make a kazoo sound breathe, or kill a puppy

@Painted-Iris group

Never eat pizza again. There's too many other foods I can't live without lol
Would you rather know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?

Deleted user

Ah fudge..depends on how you define pizza. Cheese pizza. Cookie pizza. Chicken nugget pizza. Fruit salad pizza! anything can be pizza!

Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be a robot


I guess I'll answer both
Breathe under water, one less thing to be afraid of
Know the history of every object, as I am a history major

Would you rather know how you're going to die or when you're going to die?


I have answered this before. When I'm gonna die. I would like to know when, cause I want to try and fit in as much as possible into my life before I die. And if I know when, I have a schedule lol.

WYR: Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?


Alone. Because humans are annoying anyway.
WYR have one single song stuck in your head for the rest of your life or have someone near you go deaf whenever you sing?


Cough up bees! Like Hugh from Miss Peregrine's Home for Perculiar Children
WYR watch someone die a gruesome death every time you close your eyes or be the same size as a toenail

@Painted-Iris group

Be the same size as a toenail. I mean it would be weird being that small but no way do I wanna watch someone die.
WYR: Have to pet a spider the size of a large dog or have to let a bunch of smaller spiders crawl up your arm?


Pet spider size of a dog
Because that's simply awesome
WYR know the entire future of the universe or be a potato?


Be a potato because that much knowledge is terrifying and too much for me
WYR be entrusted with the secrets of major world powers or be ignorant of all events happening in the world


Only able to walk backwards.
I'll say I have a disease and use a wheelchair instead.
WYR be indestructible or know the date of every important event in the future?


Would I know just the date and not the event? That would be interesting… (And it sounds like the plot of a short story)
Probably dates either way.
WYR not be able to read any books except for one of your choice or not be able to listen to any songs except for one of your choice?

@HighPockets group

Breathe underwater. Flying I think is a bit overrated.
Would you rather have all fruits taste like vegetables or all vegetables taste like fruits, both for the rest of your life?


Vegetables like fruits
Vegetables are disgusting
WYR be able to see other's thoughts or turn invisible at will?


(Yes, the trolling opportunities)
Because I like cats better
WYR be both deaf and blind or a caterpillar?