forum Forum Game: Bit more about yourself
Started by @yeetus

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@HighPockets group

(D/M for Doctor/Master?? I'm not a Whovian but I've seen you mention it before)
Morgan is the overprotective yet awesome big sister I wish I had. And Julie is the not-obnoxious and lovable little sister I wish I had.


Deleted user

(No, it's a different fandom. Well, I ship them, but it's DeeDee/Marcus, two characters in my friend's story that I totally ship. Technically not a fandom, but we've gotten really invested in each others stories, and it's pretty cool lol.)

Deleted user

H.G. Wells is a woman and also kinda a bitch but we still love her so it's fine. I mean, she tried to destroy the world, but it's totally fine. She's likeable.

@HighPockets group

(I'm glad you're excited for something other than not being dead!! That's always a good sign for me that I'll have a happy period soon!!)
I have very bad mood swings. They honestly terrify me.



(How distant?)
My parents were both evil rebellious nerds as kids. I inherited that, mainly the evil rebellious part

@HighPockets group

(Like great-grandpa's cousin or something. Never met him, unfortunately. But I did memorize the entire 'Battle Of The Wits' scene for school!!!)
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA sweats nervously and tugs on the collar of my ace flannel Funny thing…..IT'S BACK!!!! I can feel it in my body, slowly sinking into my brain. It's….it's….writer's block. Actually more of a Writer's Apathy, where I'm simply not captivated by anything at the moment.


@HighPockets group

(My dad makes me promise not to, in his words, 'quote the whole movie' when we watch it…)
I want to rob the library because one of the collections displays has an action figure I really want (Sigel Dare, she looks pretty badass). But I won't since I'm not a criminal.