forum Forum Game: Bit more about yourself
Started by @yeetus

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@HighPockets group

I went to see a show in Door County called 'Dairy Heirs' that was about beer, cheese, puns, 'identical' twins, and romance. It sounds cheesy (badumtsh!!) but it was actually AMAZING!!!


@HighPockets group

(I was talking about how height doesn't define your personality and I mentioned at Carrie was only about 5' tall and a kid goes "yeah but she died" and me and three others go "TOO SOON, BUDDY!!" really loudly, and I went on a minirant about how important she was to me)

I legit watched a Wild Kratts episode at school today. In class. It was shown by the teacher.


@HighPockets group

Hahahahahaha I'm panicking because I'm too attached to Jackson's semi-POV to write in the style I intended (Geneva's 1st person POV) and so I'm panicking more than usuallllllll!!!!