forum Forum Etiquitte (Please add to this)
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 5 followers


Hello, all! As many of you know, I made a roleplaying etiquitte thread about a month back, and I had such a positive response that now I'm making another one! This time, YOU guys and gals are gonna add to this. I'm gonna put one or two things up, but the rest is up to you!

Stay on topic. If the forum's about potatoes, don't talk about the newest Star Wars movie.
Don't make conversation in forum games. Everyone hates it. Just stop.
Most forum games are chains. Make sure to,when you put a response, that you put the new thing, if that makes sense.
Reread everything you write before you post it.
Grammar counts.
Post things in the right topic. If it's a roleplay, don't put it in General Chat.
Critique the character, not the person who created the character.
Artists don't owe you anything unless you're paying them. If they don't have time/don't want to draw for you, then suck it up,it's not a big deal. There are atleast 3 dozen people on that would be happy to draw for you.
If something's not up your alley, no one's forcing you to get involved. There's no point in inserting yourself into a thread just to upset everyone.
Alwasy ask before joining, unless it's a forum game or something.
The forums aren't a place for private discussion. Do that throught private messaging.
Ask before joining discussions that have been going on for a while, like character chats
If you're going to critique character flaws then make sure to follow it up with how they can be fixed. Saying something like "I think your main is too overpowered" might be true, but it's useless to the person asking for the critique.
If you're making a forum thread it should promote discussion about a specific topic. So in other words, don't just make a thread just for the sake of it.


  • Reread everything you write before you post it.
  • If in doubt, you should probably be kinder.
  • Critique the character, not the person who created the character.
  • Artists don't owe you anything unless you're paying them. If they don't have time/don't want to draw for you, then suck it up.
  • If something's not up your alley, no one's forcing you to get involved. There's no point in inserting yourself into a thread just to upset everyone.
  • For those who don't know ATLA:
    IF @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) WOULD BE DISAPPOINTED IN YOU FOR SAYING IT, DON'T SAY IT.


If you're making a RP, or some other character thing, put it in the right category.

Yeah… forgot to do that one time… :O oops

lol it's just happening a lot rn


Hello, everyone! Just reminding everyone that I have a "Roleplaying Etiquitte" thread, so if you have roleplaying-related etiquitte tips, please post them there, not here. Thanks, and have a wonderful day. :)

@HighPockets group

  • Ask before joining discussions that have been going on for a while, like character chats
  • If you dislike/like something, don't go to a thread that is about liking/disliking it and argue with the people. If people dis/like a thing enough to devote a thread to it, don't contradict them.
  • In forum games, don't post rude descriptions of this because you dislike them. Just because you dislike a fandom doesn't mean you can hate on it in an off-topic discussion for no good reason.
  • Be polite when critiquing characters, but not soft. List flaws because everyone has them, and strengths for the same reason.

@Starfast group

  • The forums aren't a place for private discussions. People making private chat threads is something that I've noticed in the forums that I've never seen on any other forum before. If you want to just chat with a few specific people then start a private message instead of a forum thread.
  • Re: critiquing- I haven't really been involved in critiques on this site so this may not be relevant but I'll throw it out here anyways since it's a mistake I see people making. If you're going to point out flaws then make sure to follow it up with how they can be fixed. Saying something like "I think your main is too overpowered" might be true, but it's useless to the person asking for the critique. Better thing to say "You main character is too overpowered. Maybe try scaling back on her powers by adding limitations to them or just getting rid of some if they don't add to the story."
  • I know it's been said already, but please put things in the right topic! I know that rps were mentioned previously but I see a lot of fandom threads in general that really belong in the movie/tv or the books forum.
  • Sorta ties into the above, but if you're making a forum thread it should promote discussion about a specific topic. So in other words, don't just make a thread just for the sake of it. I know there's no mods here so it's easy to get away with stuff but there's another site I frequent where people kept making pointless sh!tpost threads and it got so out of hand that the owner of the site deleted the entire offtopic forum. I don't think it's as big of a problem here, but I would hate for it to get to that point.