forum formatting text messages in writing
Started by @Lupout

people_alt 37 followers


So does anyone have advice of how to format texts between two characters in a novel? It seems like there's no perfectly grammatically correct way to do it (at least none I can think of) and I've been writing it like this,

I opened my phone to a slew of unread text messages. Katie had sent about half of them. the first one said:

Are you okay?!

and after that:


dude srsly answer me I'm getting worried



anyway the slanted writing is supposed to be the texts and each new line is supposed to be a new bubble, but I don't like how it looks, and I don't know if the colon thing is correct, and I don't know if my intentions for what is text and what isn't makes sense to the average reader when I format it like this.

Anyway, if anyone has ideas let me know.

@Pickles group

My advice is go find books that have texting in them and figure out what you like. Or just wait for an actually helpful person aka not me. I think most authors do weird indents and fonts but honestly I don't remember

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The text bubbles started moving as Dom typed out a suggestion.

I would advice you do something like this.

                                                           What about the difference?

Well first off you should have the texts appearing on different sides.

                                                             And the different fonts?

Also putting the texts in italics works as well if you wish.