forum Fork Cult hey can this die, please, thanks.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Well sweet Mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz!πŸ˜‚ who comes up with stuff like that??!! And what a beautiful ending!

Deleted user

look under the currenty online tab thingy down there
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Deleted user

Well either way, I had no idea what you were refering to….

Deleted user

theres a currently online tab at the bottom of the- oh you're on your phone you cant see it

Deleted user

Well I just figures out that if I have my phone side ways it shows, but all I can see online is me and some dude named…. PaperRok???

Deleted user

i know! it's weird, before it had paperok and okia doki and few other random ppl

Deleted user

Ok, we need to stop copying each other, this is not how it works.

Deleted user

Ok, we need to stop copying each other, this is not how it works.

Deleted user

I am an idiot, why do you think i hate myself?