forum Fork Cult hey can this die, please, thanks.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

yas, we've been through tough times and this site has kept us from losing our shit. Winter, Jensen, Laffette, Sly, and Myself, we've all held together through this site. (These are the only instances I can remember.

Deleted user

Pans mouse over to Currently Online thing




Deleted user

What happened to Jensen and Sly?I wasnt sure if I was here for that.

Deleted user

Jensy had exe and anxiety problems and Sly got upset over their sister's sudden love of writing that took the pazaz out of writing

Deleted user

Ohh I kind of remeber. I wasnt here with Slys sister though.


yas, we've been through tough times and this site has kept us from losing our shit. Winter, Jensen, Laffette, Sly, and Myself, we've all held together through this site. (These are the only instances I can remember.

Also me

Deleted user

About all if y'all are considered legends ya know? But legends have problems too.

Deleted user

I think we're talking about the people on the ignore chat

Deleted user

Well yeah I suppose.

There's you, Sly, Master Key, SaltyLasaga, TurtleOfFreedom, rebel with a reading problem, Winter, Connie's getting there (but she keeps changing her name XD), and anyone else I forgot at the moment.

Deleted user

What do you mean by legends though? Am I really that famous?

Deleted user

Well legends are basicly someone that a lot of people recognize by their profile name or pic. Usually they are known because they hang out alot in either the general chat or roleplay forum. They are usually someone who someone wants to talk to or rp with.
Basicly you're here all the time and everybody sees you constantly so you become really recognizable that you're basicly a notebook celeb.

Deleted user

Like when Oakie Dokie came back everybody was calling him a legend even though he was only on for about two month and was gone for three. He basicly had join every rp that was in the rp forum and played constantly that people remember him.

Deleted user

Oh woah, i never thought about that in that way, you know, I just want to have fun….whiel listening to sad songs…..and stuff, but thanks

Deleted user

o.o im almost a legend?? ;u; i've come so far on this site

Deleted user

Hahaha you change back your name right after I said that! 😆

Deleted user

Awww it's okay! You can keep changing your name! I'm sure people will recognize it's you!

Deleted user

Ehh it's getting old and im tired of people calling me "LordExplosionMurder"