@Echo_6 group
Soooo, I'm back. Not sure how many of you are still here to listen to me ramble on about how we can make a difference. Or that you all matter. Maybe I'm just talking to myself……
I don't have all the right words. I can't tell you that everything will turn out in the end because the truth of the matter is, life doesn't work that way. Things could be going completely right and you could have everything, and then have the rug ripped out from under your feet. You could be seventy five feet down in a hole that keeps getting deeper, and then have someone throw you a rope to get you out. And other times you just get left in a hole. That is slowly getting deeper. I can't fix that with my words. I could tell you that you'll be fine and you'll make it through and that things will get better. But having been on the receiving end of those words, they mean nothing. They mean nothing to some people. And words are powerful tools. If used incorrectly they can literally take a life. They can save one to, if used correctly. But even the most powerful tool can't fix everything. So I won't tell you all that because it's not necessarily true. That doesn't mean things will never get better. It just means that life doesn't work like a fairytale. The way your life is going right now, believe it or not, is getting you ready for something. Some day you'll look back on those really hard moments and think, "huh, that got me ready for this moment." But you know the only way for you to have the ability to look back, is to make it to the end still kicking.
Life sucks. It gets in the way of things you want to do, and loves throwing everything at you. Sometimes all at once. And, dammit, I hate the words "your fine", because if we were all fine then life on this earth is pointless. Our reason to be here is pointless. Every word coming out of my mouth right now is pointless. You're not alright. You're not fine. Things might not get better. So how the hell is this whole stupid thing supposed to be encouraging? I literally just told everyone that everything is pointless. But is it? Is it really pointless? I don't think so. I mean if it really was pointless, don't you think maybe the human race would be extinct by now? Maybe it is pointless, but you know what we as a human race tend to do when something is pointless? Like the Native Americans, they took dull pointless rocks and whacked them together a bunch of times to give one of them a point. We take something pointless and give it a point. We make it relevant. So how does this tie in to what I was saying before about how life sucks and I won't say that things will get better, because this whole thing seems all over the place, and this is a really long run on sentence, and quite honestly, I haven't gotten that far yet, I'll figure something out by the time I reach the end of this mess.
But wait there's more.
How I managed to get myself into this huge mess, I may never know. I started writing and we were off. I tend to ramble on about how we make a difference and if you've made it this far than you already know this. I've said it a few dozen times. But it's true. And I will harp on that for the rest of my life because if one person was able to create a lightbulb, and two learned how to fly, what can all of us do together? Our options are limitless. It doesn't matter what you look like, who your parents are, what your ethnicity happens to be, what color your skin is, what language you speak, or what slang you use when talking. That shouldn't matter. Y'all are perfect the way you are and your you in turn can make one tiny difference in the world. And guess what, the earth is 3,958.8 miles around. That makes up about 196.9 million miles of land on the surface of the earth. The population of earth right now is in the 7 billion range, billion with a B. Do you understand what that means? Probably not because it looks like too much math that I may have done for no reason. But that means that one human can cover approximately 0.028 miles of the earth each. That is 0.00000530303 of a mile. In english that means that isn't a mile. Okay, on average I can run over six miles in a day. And the average human can walk two or more miles in an hour. That means that one person's small difference can make a huge impact on the earth. We always see the negative things in the world and never seem to stop and look at the good that people are doing as well. That is why it seems like there is more depression and anxiety and the suicide ratings are higher. Because they are, because people are spreading negativity and not positivity. So be that one person that spreads positivity. I'll give you a little insight. Your positivity could save one person's life. And that could make them positive, and in turn they can make their family positive, and that can their friends positive. And you get where I'm going with this. One act of kindness or happiness, can brighten the whole world.
Alright I said I would have a way to tie this all together, at the end so here goes nothing. if you've read this far first of all thank you for taking time in your day to read my essay, and second of all, your life may not get better. You may have anxiety or depression or both, or a different mental disease, or an eating disorder. Maybe you just don't like the way you look. But that doesn't mean that you can't make a difference. You don't have to be famous, you don't have to make everyone like you. All you need to do is be you. The rest will just fall into place. No matter what life throws at you no matter how deep the hole, now matter what kind of garbage a sludge we have to crawl through, we make a difference. We can change the world by simply smiling at someone. Share a smile and receive a smile. You're life isn't pointless, and you should always strive to make it better. Even if life is going to keep firing at you. You can win first of all, and second of all, I will always be by your side to help you if you need it. Make a difference, be a light, make a point for yourself, don't let others get to you, and keep marching on.
Thank you for your time and I love all of you.