forum For my fellow nonstrait peeps
Started by @Bremston

people_alt 5 followers


Gabby, the next time he brings that up, you should just tell him "Hey, well I'm half way there in a way. I'm bi" or something along the lines of it.

Deleted user

Im Genderfluid, coming out is going to be hard
though, im pretty sure im ace

@HighPockets group

My (completely crappy, most likely) advice (keep in mind I'm so deep in the closet I'm practically in Narnia) is to maybe come out as ace first? If your parents aren't super accepting, maybe they'd understand/accept not feeling sexual attraction better than genderfluidity (Genderfluidness? Grammar is hard)

Deleted user

Also, have any of you read the book, The Symtoms of being Human?

im in the middle of it

@HighPockets group

Also the Magnus Chase series has a genderfluid protagonist in Alex Fierro, and while I personally dislike how Alex was written, it's good that a popular kid's book series has a not-cis protagonist.

Deleted user

I'm sticking with identifying as bisexual, but I might possibly be omnisexual. Omnisexuality is like pansexuality, but instead, there isn't really any limitations for what you're attracted to. Hell, an omnisexual person could be attracted to an entirely different species. Not exactly out to my parents yet, they are supportive but I'm leaving it at "Questioning-ish bisexual" for now. Derp.

Deleted user

But if you want to talk time about coming out to your parental guardian(s) I can totally chat with you.


So, I was going to come out to my step-mom yesterday but she got sick and I only saw her for like 40 minutes because of it, so long story short I didn't come out =(
And I am as scared as ever!