forum For my fellow nonstrait peeps
Started by @Bremston

people_alt 5 followers


not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.


There is more than just what it is! It's saying… well a lot of facts and different things. So if someone wants to learn about ace just go to that sight!


I haven't come out to my family either… they would absolutely hate me though, so I can't… they're extremely religious and I'm afraid of what they'd do if I told them I'm bi…

Hey, it's ok so are mine, well other than my step mom and I am going to try to come out to her today that's why I made this! So… we are all here to help each other.


I havn't come out to my parents either, but it's not that I'm scared that they won't be ok with it, it's just…
how do I bring it up in a conversation?


basically my plan is to suddenly have a gf then tell them
they'll be like "whatttt a GIRLFRIEND??"
and I'll be like "yeah im bi" then walk away


I came out to my family in a very low-key way. I first asked my mom what she thought of the community and she legit said she would love me no matter who I date/love, as long as they're a nice and respectful person. I asked my dad the same thing and he said the exact same response that my mother had. I later came out to my family as Demi-pan and explained to them what that meant. They were fine with me and my sexuality.

But I also have super accepting and loving parents so really it depends on what type of people your parents are.


my dad actually casually brings it up in a lot of conversation cause he thiks guys are dicks and I should just be a lesbian… so yeah I have v accepting parents