forum For denny /closed unless invited in pm/
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

people_alt 68 followers

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just go to google maps and put in "my address, my street, my town, my city, my country" and click the one with a bihg yard and a huge garden
good luck :)

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so apparently in elementary school they're calling bullying "intimidation" now.
my little sister be liek: so, today i learned about intimidation.
me: … being scared?
sister: nope. it's when someone bes mean to you over and over and they won't stop.
me: ain't that bullying?
sister: blank expression what's that?

severely confused now why they change it-

Deleted user

in the higher grades you gonna hear talk about bullying and you gonna be like say what?
and you're gonna sound weird when you say "Intimidated* when you're EIGHT.

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I swear if my child said some kid was intimidating them, they’re probably a skin walker

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Ayo I love that music
I’m drawing my favorite child and it is occurring to me that HaNdS aRe HaRd

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Well yeah, I put one of them behind his back but the other one is holding a phone and it looks stupid af ahahah