forum Flu or No Flu?
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Deleted user

Without context, I need to know if this child should get the flu (which there is no vaccination for in this universe and is deadly with a capital 'D') or not in my book. Just comment yes or no!


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screams with Jynnie


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@HighPockets group


screams with Jynnie



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Deleted user

Okay but like you were lie oh it’s death with a BIG D and i was like ooo death


when I was little I asked my mom what "prove" meant and she told me (because how do you explain prove to a five-year-old) "it's when something is true" and I responded with:
cheerful 5yo voice "so if Livia were dead that'd be true!" (L being my sister)


Another time my 4yo self was a bit morbid was when we (mom, sister, me) were shopping at a Fred Meyer and my mom was saying how fortunate it was that "with all the snow the roof had caved in" (this was the year before) had happened when the store was closed so nobody was there to get hurt.
me: "They would have died!"
mom: "…Or just gotten injured."
me: "Yeah, or smooshed and their blood would be squirting out. Pshew, pshew, pshew!" (complete with hand motions of blood squirting)

Deleted user

when I was little I asked my mom what "prove" meant and she told me (because how do you explain prove to a five-year-old) "it's when something is true" and I responded with:
cheerful 5yo voice "so if Livia were dead that'd be true!" (L being my sister)

Another time my 4yo self was a bit morbid was when we (mom, sister, me) were shopping at a Fred Meyer and my mom was saying how fortunate it was that "with all the snow the roof had caved in" (this was the year before) had happened when the store was closed so nobody was there to get hurt.
me: "They would have died!"
mom: "…Or just gotten injured."
me: "Yeah, or smooshed and their blood would be squirting out. Pshew, pshew, pshew!" (complete with hand >motions of blood squirting)

Did you mean to put that on this discussion?


when I was little I asked my mom what "prove" meant and she told me (because how do you explain prove to a five-year-old) "it's when something is true" and I responded with:
cheerful 5yo voice "so if Livia were dead that'd be true!" (L being my sister)

Another time my 4yo self was a bit morbid was when we (mom, sister, me) were shopping at a Fred Meyer and my mom was saying how fortunate it was that "with all the snow the roof had caved in" (this was the year before) had happened when the store was closed so nobody was there to get hurt.
me: "They would have died!"
mom: "…Or just gotten injured."
me: "Yeah, or smooshed and their blood would be squirting out. Pshew, pshew, pshew!" (complete with hand >motions of blood squirting)

Did you mean to put that on this discussion?

no??? that was supposed to go on the things-you've-heard-middle/high-schoolers-say chat
i've no idea why it's here lmao

Deleted user

when I was little I asked my mom what "prove" meant and she told me (because how do you explain prove to a five-year-old) "it's when something is true" and I responded with:
cheerful 5yo voice "so if Livia were dead that'd be true!" (L being my sister)

Another time my 4yo self was a bit morbid was when we (mom, sister, me) were shopping at a Fred Meyer and my mom was saying how fortunate it was that "with all the snow the roof had caved in" (this was the year before) had happened when the store was closed so nobody was there to get hurt.
me: "They would have died!"
mom: "…Or just gotten injured."
me: "Yeah, or smooshed and their blood would be squirting out. Pshew, pshew, pshew!" (complete with hand >motions of blood squirting)

Did you mean to put that on this discussion?

no??? that was supposed to go on the things-you've-heard-middle/high-schoolers-say chat
i've no idea why it's here lmao

Okay XD
I was just a bit discombobulated XD

Deleted user

May I ask why you ask the about the flu?

I'm not sure I understand. Like I said, I needed help deciding if someone should get it or not in my book, and I'm asking about the flu specifically because it's the deadliest disease in my book and would be the best fit.

Deleted user

Why should they get flu? And if deadly, not die? Or is that the whole point?

Action, and because someone else in this person's family already died of the flu. I wouldn't want to be excessive.