forum *Finger guns*
Started by @Pandapocalypse

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

I'm not sure how accurate I am on this, but here's my take:

I believe that bisexuality is deteremined by (using your case as an example) if you would feel romantically attracted to this girl. I am a female, and I see a lot of girls that are very pretty, but I am not romantically attracted to them.

Not sure how accurate this is, please dont hate me if i'm wrong.

But if you think that you would go out with her if she asked you out, you can just be biromantic (just my opinion, correct me if im wrong)

I don't think I am. I'm ace and proud!!! Anywhoo…thanks a lot, guys. (I LOVE THIS SITE SO MUCH SQUEEEEE)

Deleted user

both finger guns and awkward thumbs up because why in the world would i, an awkward bisexual, choose between the two


I'm not sure how accurate I am on this, but here's my take:

I believe that bisexuality is deteremined by (using your case as an example) if you would feel romantically attracted to this girl. I am a female, and I see a lot of girls that are very pretty, but I am not romantically attracted to them.

Not sure how accurate this is, please dont hate me if i'm wrong.

But if you think that you would go out with her if she asked you out, you can just be biromantic (just my opinion, correct me if im wrong)

That clears up a lot. Thanks for putting that out there.

@faltering-through pets

well, I didn't do it just for fun lol I'm actually gonna do my work that's overdue and for that, I needed the book. The reason I had to steal it was because he doesn't like anyone taking out the books from his classroom