forum *Finger guns*
Started by @Pandapocalypse

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Emi, I want you to be happy and not depressed and know that you matter and that we care about you and you are a human being with rights and that you are a good person and we're you're friends AND

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just please don't be so sad not everything is terrible I mean most things are but not everything

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but i can't help cringing at the future because I won't be able to do what I love. The economy is so fucked up people tell their kids "You can be whatever you want" but they're lying to them and that's awful.

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I want to Major in English Arts and Minor in Creative Writing, but no job pays well enough for me to live in this economy. I can't do what I love.

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I found a way to support myself. I'm going to start writing as I but a new laptop, which could be a few paychecks away.

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Yes, but do you know how much competition there is for publishing books? There's an incredibly high chance no one'll read it, too, considering hardly any Gen Zers read! The tech and stuff is aimed for them and rightfully so. Future Authors (like myself) will depend on them and get nothing in return.



Have you seen Gen Z kids? We literally read to the point of no return. Most of the time it's e-books or stuff online though. Most of my friends prefer reading on electronics over actual books. It's not that we're not reading, it's that we're not really reading traditional books

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That's damned right Emi. Not many GenZ's read. But other generations do, and nerdy Gen Z's like myself and so many of my friends, well, we do. As for competition, well, I'm a nnetworker (not an obsessive one mind you), so I know a guy that knows a guy. Albeit it's not exactly local, but I'm willing to go the distance.


Is also a Gen Z kid and I literally only know one person who doesn't enjoy reading, and it's only because they never actually get a chance to read anything other than textbooks. Gen Z kids read like crazy, whether it's fanfiction, actual books, online or offline

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But @Brokenchipmunk I know people who wrinkle their noses (actually a good majority of my school, since I'm in a lot of classes with Upperclassmen and Freshmen) at the mention of reading, even if it's a little section of a fictional piece of Edgar Allen Poe. We have The Entire Works of E.A.P and no one has read the whole thing except me! I feel like (maybe it's the area???) that teens my age just don't…


I dunno.

I'm losing a lost battle since I am severely underprepared.

I feel like in my school I'm one of the only people who enjoy reading in their free time. It has really hurt my dream at how I've seen people turn away from a perfectly good book.

Maybe I'm born in the wrong Gen? I don't even have a phone, even if I did, I'd continue reading paperback.


I have a Kindle with like, 5-6 books on it

and I don't use it. I eventually got all the books hard/paperback.

I don't know if these statements have any significance in my argument

but I think they matter so…

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Yeah. e-books, audiobooks and all that, it's the new thing I guess.


Okay, all I'm saying is that Gen Z does actually read a lot more than you're giving them credit for. It's kind of a matter of personal choice, and not reading school books doesn't really count as not reading, because not everyone is bound to like those genres. Maybe it's just my school, but practically everyone reads in their spare time. A lot of my friends will literally spend hours reading/writing stories and fanfiction, and even my friends from other places read that much as well. And there's nothing wrong with audio books or e-books, because again, it's really just a matter of personal choice

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No, but what I'm trying to tell you, is I've never seen someone my age actually lift up a book consentually (other than my friends). And they might read more than what I give them, but whenever it's reading in my school, it's groans and moans.

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My school is very


Practically everyone is a rich stuck-up-their-ass-bitch so


We're a richer community, which does make sense for the lack of brain and reading xD

huh that's also why I migrate more towards those who are pooer (like me), but also different in body style…



My school's open to literally everyone in NYC (if they get in) so there's a huge mix of people there from all different communities. We're all pretty weird though, and we all hate the school with a passion